I wrote "still happen" in the title because I'm sure I reported this bug in the GitHub times, not entirely sure however. Here it is regardless.
Type of bug: LUA
Description of the bug: Equipping stuff from your storage and dying while still equipping can result in you instantly respawning when you die in the process. You will also have no NLR and timer.
How to reproduce the bug:
1. Equip something from the storage
2. While it is still equipping, get the other person to kill you
3. Respawn hopefully?
Time stamp(s): In the oldest clip the date of this happening is 20.04.2019. In the most recent gif the date+timestamp is 21.06.2020 01.41
Here is the bug that happened in April 20th 2019
Here it is happening again, very recently this night
Type of bug: LUA
Description of the bug: Equipping stuff from your storage and dying while still equipping can result in you instantly respawning when you die in the process. You will also have no NLR and timer.
How to reproduce the bug:
1. Equip something from the storage
2. While it is still equipping, get the other person to kill you
3. Respawn hopefully?
Time stamp(s): In the oldest clip the date of this happening is 20.04.2019. In the most recent gif the date+timestamp is 21.06.2020 01.41
Here is the bug that happened in April 20th 2019

Vlc-record-2020-06-21-13h40m53s-Replay 2020.06.21-01.41.mp4- GIF | Gfycat
Watch and share Vlc-record-2020-06-21-13h40m53s-Replay 2020.06.21-01.41.mp4- GIFs on Gfycat

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