Server Suggestion Interactable Fridges

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Suggestion Title: Interactable Fridges
Suggestion Description: If a user clicks e on a fridge, they eat a burger.

This can be beneficial to officers who are occupied as there is a fridge in PLPD as well as useful to many citizens who enjoy properties that include these pieces of furniture and this will encourage people to use these larger properties for things more related to civilian rp vs restricting them to mainly being incentivized for building a larger drug operation fortress.

Why should this be added?:
- Quality of Life
- Encourages roleplay by incentivizing the purchase of suburbs houses and such places that include fridges.
- Immersion increaser
- Convenient for PLPD so officers can more quickly deal with situations rather than have to delay response to get food, especially when the city is booming.
- raid pd for food and water.

What negatives could this have?:
- raid pd for food and water

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