Introduction from Jenny

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Um........ hi? I'm here to make a introduction, but I suck at it, so I'll keep it short. My name is Jenny, or you can go by and call me DevilRiddle. Many people have misunderstood this, but I'm a male. I have the name Jenny because....... it's someone important to me. I used to be DevilRiddle, so either of these two are fine. This is like the second RP server I've went on, so obviously I'm unexperienced, and want to learn about everything this server has to offer. I hope to play with everyone in the community in-game and have fun together.

BTW, I'm extremely passive at this game.

So I wish everyone in the community a great day!
Ar reet Jenny! Got me hopes up for a second there thinking we had another girl in the community since most of it is men :/ My names John Cale, You will probs see me driving around in me Lambo looking for something to do. Nice to meet u! Basic things to know about me is that I love Geordie Shore and Ainsley Harriott and I do get a bit angry in OOC but that's normally when I die for bullshit reasons like shooing a cop in the head and then him turning around and 1 tapping me. (And no I did not miss) :)
Welcome to the community, All you really need to keep a knowledge of is the rules and this will pretty much help you to not get warned/banned.

(If you go to the top of your page and follow along the tab part, there will be a section for rules, you can also access this ingame by pressing f1).