Server Suggestion Introduction of a "break" notification

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Deleted member 4084

Suggestion Title: Introduction of a "break" notification
Suggestion Description: This suggestion would essentially, every two to six or so hours of being on the server, give the person a notification at the top (or somewhere) of their screen notifying them that they've been playing for a couple hours and it's suggested to take a short break. This notification would not leave the screen until manually closed (similar to org invite)

Why should this be added?:
I feel this would work towards improving peoples' general wellbeing (whilst it may not be a solution it is a start), and for those who lost track of time it just is a notification that maybe now is a good time to take a short break. This is not something which is enforced, nor will it be added as a rule or anything of the sort.

What negatives could this have?:
Annoying notification if they're on the server for a while, but this is negated from the fact that it could be quite essential in other ways
Every perp player when the notification comes up:


Honestly tho, I sometimes lose track, so maybe not a bad idea? I don't see how it's the server's responsibility if people want to play for a whole day though.
Let's add a screen time feature to PERP that publicly shames the people with the most recent playtime over the past 24 hours / 7 days
Notify every 4 hours

After 8 hours auto kick and make it so you can't reconnect for at least 4hrs

After 14 hours auto ban for 3 days

After 16hours auto ban for 1 week

After 18+ hours CWB
(Make a system so you can't trick the hours by reconnecting)
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Yeah no imagine this popping up in the middle of a shootout and i have to screw myself over getting rid of a notification that isn't welcome or needed. I dont need the server to parent me. I can take care of myself -1
Yeah no imagine this popping up in the middle of a shootout and i have to screw myself over getting rid of a notification that isn't welcome or needed. I dont need the server to parent me. I can take care of myself -1
Two solutions to this
1. Make the notification small and in the top right of your screen or something
2. Just don’t overplay the server
Two solutions to this
1. Make the notification small and in the top right of your screen or something
2. Just don’t overplay the server
Right so I'm an adult I can do what I please and don't need to be told that I should "take a break" I know when I'm done playing. I dont need someone to tell me when I should be done
Right so I'm an adult I can do what I please and don't need to be told that I should "take a break" I know when I'm done playing. I dont need someone to tell me when I should be done
I feel this is irrelevant, whilst you are a specific case, I believe it's beneficial for the long run--just a reminder of how long they've been playing, nothing more. It shouldn't affect your screen so much to the point you're losing shootouts and whatnot
Right so I'm an adult I can do what I please and don't need to be told that I should "take a break" I know when I'm done playing. I dont need someone to tell me when I should be done
this suggestion isn’t meant to be a personal attack on anyone. it’s like how your apple watch or the computer at work tells you stand up and move around a little, just a friendly little reminder that you might want to take a break. i definitely find that playing the game too long makes me go a bit crazy, maybe that’s just me, but this is a suggestion for the masses and not targeted at certain people.

could always have the option to disable in f1
I propose a strobing jeff the killer jumpscare appear upon players being on the server for too long!!!!
me need remind to take shower after I been killing cops for the past 12 hours on the server thanks :shamefullyembarrased:
just add it with no option to disable it , if you get annoyed by 1 pop up saying "stop playing gmod for 8 hours straight" you might have deeper issues than a perp addiction
Sure. Probably more important things on the docket for development than this basic self-control reminder though; and if this is implemented it should probably come alongside some sort of gambling warning when you've been gambling for too long as well as it's a similarly unhealthy task to get addicted to.

Only question I have is about it being intrusive or causing issues for players who are coming back after being AFK for a prolonged period of time, then getting flash banged mid-shootout. If this is being implemented, the alert should come alongside your demo restart as that is a similarly obstructive and automatic process that happens every hour and can be predicted and controlled unlike an unseen popup.

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