Is this realistic or na?

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what are people thoughts, should you be able to steal money off people when they drop it for another person and then deposit into an atm straight away?
If you want to drop it to another person directly just do /me hands money to [name], but it's not really realistic I don't think
what are people thoughts, should you be able to steal money off people when they drop it for another person and then deposit into an atm straight away?

People shouldn't be stealing money and then depositing it straight away. Realistically, it would never be that easy. Thus in PERP, if you steal money someone dropped, you have to be able to leave the area you stole it from to the point people aren't following you anymore or you're in another area and free to deposit it.

However, if someone does a /me to pass the money along, you should not be picking the money up.
Shove a gun or knife in there face and it’s entirely realistic. Somewhat against rules but realistic.
1. You were accused of stealing 50k, but we already understood that you only stole the first lot of 25k afterwards, you were still toxic either way. Don't make excuses for it.
2. Inchs told you to pay up 25k, not 20k many times. You were acting like a child thinking that the 5k was your "compensation" even though you started the entire thing? You're in no position to choose that. You should've just done what he asked and be done with it.
3. Again, you need to understand a difference between Situation A and Situation B. Why are you even talking about this? You already said "Thanks wish i new this before i got banned lol".

You would've been banned a lot longer since you breached a few other rules as well but I decided to drop it.
The rule means to try and emulate real life if you can, but not to the point where it's not enjoyable any more. Absolutely no one on this server is going to type /me picks up chair, /me sits down, /me hands over 1 dollar bill. It's not fun and you know that as well. Maybe if you'd grow up and start reading around a little bit, you'd know that you were in the wrong.
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