Issues and general discussion about the poker update.

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England, Norfolk
Hey guys im making this thread for @Fredy and the devs to find the issues with poker right now and fix them when possible. Just post any issues or bugs here for the devs and also your opinion on the game itself.

Poker is a great way to get together with the community and have a laugh its the most social activity on the server currently and leads to loads of fun but there are a few issues that ruin it.

Bug 1 Raise bug. This bug is the biggest problem and leads to massive losses the raise will freeze leaving it stuck so if you click on it nothing happens and your turn finishes and it happens for the whole hand until someone flukes it. I lost alot to this and it could lead to refund requests and frustration but the bug happens rarely.

Bug 2 Straight bug. Okay so what happened was me and baggers had a straight but I had 7 and 8 and baggers had 9 and 8, since the 9 was in play and baggers had higher he should have won but oddly it was a split pot between the both of us.

Bug 3 4 cards? This happened once or twice its supposed to show 3 cards at the start but twice it showed 4 due to some unknown reason.

Missing blinds. At the start of every poker hand there should be blinds this means that even if no one bets anything you still win a small amount.

Message? A quick idea when you run out of money is where instead of ejecting you it asks if you want to continue and includes the money slider. This can help keeping a seat if there are alot of people waiting to play.

Idea. Stri- Nah just kidding its show the winner. When someone wins you can't tell unless they tell you this has lead to players unfamiliar with the game being confused the table I was playing at came up with the idea and even if its a message explaing who won and how or a gold glow, maybe even fireworks it could help.

ATM in the casino?