its official


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United Kingdom
i guess this was bound to happen after my inactivity for weeks. but its official - its the end of my PH chapter, i just want to say its been a hell of a ride. the good, the bad and the ugly. but mostly good.

thank you all for making my stay enjoyable! but its time to move on and focus on priorities. i would go ahead and name every individual that made my stay here what it was but im afraid to miss out on people ya'll cheeky cunts know who u are.

hasta'la vista (or however the saying goes).
Sad to see you go man (Its me cane) Its been a really fun ride with you man! Good luck with your future man!

P.S. Want someone to give your stuff too , Im here <3 jk xD
You were really a great guy. I remember when we both had Teslas then we both sold them because... There shit. Anyways, have fun and good luck in whatever your doing for the rest of your life. Bye bye Ling Wang.
Noooooooo, don't leave us yet Jericho. You are a great friend and it's really sad to see you leave, however I do understand the circumstances. Good luck with your future, bye Jericho ;(
I will also still remember you as the guy that had a phat argument with me because @Tom Hill was blatantly abusing his tricycle on Eternal.
ling wang .... the chinese minge, sad to see you go man.
good luck in whatever you gonna do.
Ling Ling the funny guy we had so mutch fun why does this have to happend i remember all those times u made me crash my car it was fun sad do see you leave but Hope u have great time with whatever u doing
Who's orange Pagani will I drive now? ;)

Sad to see you go :(:(:(. I wish you luck with life.
I hope you'll change your mind one day and come back to us, goodbye for now brother