C&D Co-Opeations
We are an organisation where it's main goal is earning a shitton of money and having fun. We do this in alot of ''Fun'' ways

- Do NOT kill any other organisation members, Doing this on purpose will result in a kick.
- Do not scam or steal from other organisation members
- Always protect organisation members in need
- Do not bring any heat to the organisation , This means don't go randomly talk bullshit to people that are in other organisations.
- Respect everybody in the organisation ,Everbody is equal
- Must have 150k or more in the bank
- Must own a proper car
- Must be over the age of 14
- Must have a mic (If you're a very fast typer its fine)
- Must have over 3 days of playtime in Perpheads (Screenshot)
- Must have a certain skill that is beneficial for the organisation (High firearms level , Good aim , Etc
Application Format
Do you agree to the rules and requirements?:
What's your age?:
What's your timezone?:
How much money do you have in the bank?:
What's your firearms level?:
What previous organisations have you been in?:
Do you have any beneficial skill for us?:
What's your playtime?(Screenshot):
What car(s) do you own?:
______ _____________________________________________________________________________
Note: I know you guys think i have a horrible attitude because of my old organisation , I know i was too serious but it was a mafia which is meant to be a serious and organised group. I can promise you that my personality is completely different and i was pretty much being strict because i wanted everything to go well in the organisation. Me being this strict and serious resulted in a huge arguement going on for days inbetween me and other organisations which i would like to apologise for. I have come to the conclusion that mafia is not the right type of organisation for me to be in charge of so i have officially waved mafias goodbye and started a new chapter. In this organisation im not gonna be strict at all. We are still going to be serious on base of making money and stuff. But this organisation is mainly there to make fun and friends.
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