Jail Break

1. Shit taste in music.
2. Stop aiming at people's feet
3. You managed to kill 3 beretta cops that were looking at you gj, the rest didn't even know you were there.
Get all Civilians out the way! Thread is turning hostile, I repeat: Thread is turning hostile.
Requesting reinforcements in the form of cat photos to diffuse the situation

So whats your point?
"Shit taste in music", better than yours that's for sure.
"Stop aiming at people's feet" I aim at the body, are you blind?
3. What's your point lol? Ok yeah I killed 3 baretta cops, that's what I did. I don't see whats the problem, you're just salty lol.
Now the retards that hate for no reason come lul. Finding every reason to hate on the vid
Quite simple: Cops have to check whether their targets are armed or not. Better to die by a criminal then get an IA...
Whats my taste in music? Aim like a silver 1. How am I salty? you've done nothing to me but give free guns.
I dont know whats your taste in music lmao, you didnt say it.
"Aim like a silver" this isnt cs lmao, where do you want me to aim smh
You're salty because you came here to shit on my post for no reason, you're just being a cunt.