
Reaction score
@JER jericho is a very friendly player and is willing to help out new players, when I joined perp it was all fine and dandy until I got raided by jericho when i was new, this was 2 years ago. I hope jericho learned from his mistake as I killed him. Jericho deserves enforcer.
When i first met jericho 3 years ago i tried to backstab him at regals, I shot at him twice, but with my garbage aim I couldnt kill him. However as jericho is such a lovely human, he felt pity and chose not to kill me. What a nice guy.
When I first met jericho 3 years ago he was named charlamagne burglamanetits and he ran a casino. i then made my own casino and scammed him out of $4,000 then he shot me in the middle of bazaar. ;( I reported him because i was very mad and wanted to get him punished :( i hope jer learned his lesson and decides not to rdm anymoeerr. What a nice guy.
When I first met jericho 3 years ago I shot the fucking dog that lives across the way uhhhh little barking ass motherfucker was on top of the god damn balcony he wouldn't shut the fuck up you feel me and I had to drop my fella I had to put him the fuck down you feel me
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this is the only one thats been true so far i think
When I first met Jericho 3 years ago I thought he was an alright chap, then when we went to uni he decided to give me 200k to save up for a super car. Little did he know that I decided to immediately spend it on a jeep I ended up having for just over a year. When Jericho returned, however, he started causing trouble in my neighbourhood, bombing me frequently and preventing me from progressing from my jeep. It became clear that after one raid I had to start basing with @MrAaron to give me peace of growing in groups for safety. I whistled for a cab and when it came near, The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror! If anything I could say that this cab was rare, But I thought 'Nah, forget it' - 'Yo, homes to Bel Air' I pulled up to the house about seven or eigth! And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the prince of bel air.
When I first met Jericho 3 years ago I said "Ah shit, here we go again."