Josh Morrison Gets Gangster

Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
So I've recently been a bit more loose (some would say psychotic at times) with my approach to roleplay and "gatting" someone I don't like.

Due to this experience, I had improved my skills quite a bit, but I only realized the extent of it when I had a rather interesting day...

So, here are 2 clips from today to prove my point:

Clip 1: So I return to the bazaar after a failed mugging attempt (a bit cheeky, I know, but at least I got to kill @Pusheen ), I chat with a nice man beside me, but in the corner of my eye, I see 3-4 sweatervests being gunpointed and mugged by a clearly more experienced player. I decided that this was the time to act, I quickly grab the Famas from my trunk and sprint over to the wall nearby, I crouch behind it for cover, and prepare myself. I watch the rascal under my sights for a second, and then open fire when I realize he has no intention of letting the poor German sweaters live. His last words? "threw a molotov on ma cah-"
The sweaters were clearly very grateful... and I felt that I did the right thing.

Clip 2:
My favorite,
So after a round of power-growing, I clean things up, but as I place the items in my chest, I realize a familiar sight... Daymon! Daymon had previously arrived with his bin bag bum buddy, and I knew he was plotting to raid us, so I stayed aware... I instantly run to @D3V (who was conveniently driving his annoying mini cooper around my store) and warn him to get down, as the blast open the window and climb inside.

I run to cover, and prepare myself. Instantly, I shoot at @Alex_:D a few times, but I intentionally refrain from killing him. I then hear @Miami screaming like a little girl with severe autism, and know to turn around. I turn to find @John Daymon sneaking up behind me, I then fire at him multiple times, somehow killing him with a beretta. Tim then fires at me, causing me to suffer severe damages. In a last moment of desperation, I aim towards Tim, and fire directly at the small part of him I could see... Instant headshot.

1 Mac-11
2 Desert Eagles (Loaded)
1 Remington (Loaded)

3 bodies I used to pleasure myself.
