Just cannot be bothered.

Reaction score
I rarely come on PERPHeads anymore and when I do, I seem to find more bloody idiots than I do of normal people.

The server isn't fun for me anymore. Growing drugs, buying a new car, driving around in it until you think it's a ballache then redoing the whole bloody process isn't fun. I've tried other things, didn't work out.

Most of the people I cared about before have left, no offense. I just can't be arsed playing anymore. I'm not playing much anymore. This might be cliche, and many of you will say it is, but I care very little about anybody's opinion at the moment.

I don't care if you didn't like me, or thought I was annoying because the chances are, I didn't like you either. Not going to make a list of anybody, it's pointless and there's nobody to put on.
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Zan, I can believe this your one of my best friends on perp if not my best, i will miss you loads nobody can ever replace Zan.
God you were here before i joined, i cant actual remember how we became friends, but we have raided, killed, we rped together (no shit peach its an rp server). I love you zan for ever missed. (Btw ik your not dead but perp thinks you are)
You were a great guy in my eyes, haven't actually talked to you in ages though. Sad to see you are leaving the community, but I do have to agree that it does get boring and repetitive after a while.

Later Skater :P
Goodbye Zan have a wonderful time, I hope we can stick together on other games or so... Just hop on the server once a week and do some other things than growing drugs, maybe hmm sell fish
operator on LemonPunch :kappa:

Serious note: Zan, You were the best player i've ever met, you were so friendly, see you next time, bud.