Kenny's Unban Appeal

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United Kingdom
Note: I'm Appealing for my friend "Kenny The Robot" as he cant get onto the forums due to a matter of not having full access to his email at this time or even for a few months.
I hope this wont be an inconvience but these are his words.

Appealing for
: Temp Ban
Appeal type: Dispute / Apology
Which staff member banned you: Mikey

Your Steam Name: Kenny The Robot
Your In-game Name: Kenny Smith
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29366462

Why were you banned/blacklisted: User broke rule 6.5, disconnected when the police walked inside his shop and found out he had drugs. (preventing to lose his drugs)
Why should this appeal be considered: Kenny's wording Hey guys, i was banned from the reason above but i have good reason to appeal.

Me and my friend Yogurt want to play perp while off school, college, work but being banned for a week sadly is getting in the way of that. I never deliberately disconnected to avoid the police.

As much as i respect the perp rules i try my best to stay well within there guidelines at all times but sometimes life just gets in the way. I had to disconnect.. LITERALLY the worst timing ever!!
  • I had to disconnect due to dinner being ready and that's something i cant afford to miss. Some households you cant postpone dinner and say your busy to your relatives.
    cause as you can see that looks bad, better off playing your game.. etc etc

This gives me no extra jurisdiction or headway in breaking rules but i have paid premium for 90 days it would sad to waste 7 days of it over something that i would say was a horrible inconvenience.

I'm VERY happy to pay the money i would have lost if i didn't disscconnect.
What i did is unnaceptable but a week ban does seem just a little overkill when it was in no intension to harm or break RP rules.

Additional Comment(s): This is Yogurts profile appealing for "Kenny The Robot" I swear if this is not alloud i'd cry my self to sleep.
Evidence (If Applicable): None
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Your appeal is good but the ban was invoked on 30-Mar-2016 16:41 and expires on
06-Apr-2016 16:41.

I really do think your sorry within this appeal kenny However what was your reason for disconnecting you never said, regardless you should not Disconnect in a rp situation unless you have a very good reason for doing so and as long as you have a administrators approval to disconnect.

As your ban will expire shortly I recommend you read the rules again and wait out this ban. You have 5 days to do so.

I do however wish you the best of luck and if you can say on why you had to disconnect and maybe Mikey can be forgiving.

Regards Appricey
Police Supervisor
Police Dispatcher
Your appeal is good but the ban was invoked on 30-Mar-2016 16:41 and expires on
06-Apr-2016 16:41.

I really do think your sorry within this appeal kenny However what was your reason for disconnecting you never said, regardless you should not Disconnect in a rp situation unless you have a very good reason for doing so and as long as you have a administrators approval to disconnect.

As your ban will expire shortly I recommend you read the rules again and wait out this ban. You have 5 days to do so.

I do however wish you the best of luck and if you can say on why you had to disconnect and maybe Mikey can be forgiving.

Regards Appricey
Police Supervisor
Police Dispatcher

Oh snap yes sorry that got past me. Let me correct what i missed

"but sometimes life just gets in the way. I had to disconnect.. LITERALLY the worst timing ever!!"
I had to disconnect due to dinner being ready and that's something i cant afford to miss. Some households you cant postpone dinner and say your busy to your relatives.
cause as you can see that looks bad, better off playing your game.. etc etc

Again i respect RP rules heavily just super bad timing hope you can understand

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Hello, you have made a very good apology, although I won't lower the ban, reason being: You are a member of the community for a long time and should know how it works by now, you did not let one of the staff know that you would disconnect. so next time make a /report that you have to go because it's urgent.

6.5 Disconnecting from the Server - When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes being unconscious. It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions. However if a player can provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play they should do so by informing a staff member with the use of the /report function. This rule is directly subject to an Administrator’s discretion.

Best regards,

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