Server Suggestion Key fob (unlock/ lock vehicles from a distance)

Reaction score
sneed's feed & seed
Suggestion Title: Key fob (unlock/ lock vehicles from a distance)
Suggestion Description: Implement a mechanic that allows users to unlock & lock their vehicles from a distance. This would ideally cause the car to make a sound (different sound for lock & unlock) and flash the lights.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic
- QoL

What negatives could this have?:
- Development time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This would allow players to enter their car immediately upon reaching it, instead of having to unlock it manually. Additionally, this would allow players to lock their vehicles from a distance, which adds an element of realism and immersion.
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Me crowbarring a players car in City Garage only to have him lock it from Office
You would do the same if someone was trying to break into your car from afar, press the keyfob to lock it, scaring the thieves away which works.
Step 2 is shoot them from office.
Locking cars really doesn't mean a damn thing if the only way people can steal cars is via a crowbar. This would be cool, but unless unlocking the car with the fob would then allow anyone to get in, it's basically worthless. I swear it used to be that if a car was unlocked and the engine was running, you could just steal it then and there, as I did exactly that, and got a warning for doing it while my hands were ties, but I don't think it is anymore.
Just to sorta circumvent the whole minge-car thievery I'd say it shouldn't let other players (except buddies) immediately into the driver seat. Otherwise, very nice QoL improvement (which seems original)

I'd also recommend the radius to be *quite* small, for example, residents of Regals 4/5, Slums/Projex 3-5, Office, CH, may have an issue with their fob reaching their vehicle, where others on ground floor have an easier time.
I’d imagine the way it would be implemented would require a user to be aiming at their vehicle in order to unlock or lock it with the key fob, and surely there would be some range limit.
I'd also recommend the radius to be *quite* small, for example, residents of Regals 4/5, Slums/Projex 3-5, Office, CH, may have an issue with their fob reaching their vehicle, where others on ground floor have an easier time.
You guys are missing the huge benefit to this. unlocking cars mid shootout and running to them. Hide, unlock in a safe place, run and gun, boom gone. No more caught with your pants down trying to unlock your car mid shootout. PLPD could benefit from that alot. PLFD could as well for unlocking truck halfway across the fireground to let another FF in.

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