Khabib vs McGregor Gambling

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I am really looking forward to the match tomorrow, between Khabib and Connor. So I decided to copy the one and only @Brinch and make a gambling format so the fight is a little more interesting for all of us.

Betting Format

After placing your bet, calculate the total amount and send it to this bank account: 3437438 and message 984-2488 with your bank account and your name.
Bets will be payed out through bank wire the next day.
Thanks for participating

Feel free to discuss the match in this thread.
(p.s. if you have any questins, send me a forum PM)
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Khabib is gonna get fuck by the nevada fight commission like legit, what a fucking tool dude pmsl

The guys who jumped Conor are fucking pussies, I hope they get fucked in the streets

Was a great match though but jesus christ, Derrick Lewis is a fucking beast
So wanting to defend ya boy condones getting jumped by 3 guys? I think the fuck not pal
Did i say i was defending him? I said conor is also wrong in this situation and shouldnt have tried to jump over. And conor was going after khabibs team so he had it coming
Jumping into 2019 like
Mcgregor walks in like he is unstoppable (ego at its max), seconds after at 0:15 gets smashed in fucking face losing him balance
what's the point of the money when you are the worst fighter?
that's just like saying; why are you doing a deal where you make $500 million and the other part makes $200million but is a "better" company, these are two different fighters, Conor has a huge advantage in the standing game, but when it comes to the ground Khabib is obviously better.