killing and stuff

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i think the rules should be a bit less strict, as in you can do a drive by or a hit on someone, but only if you have a legit reason. because the only time exciting stuff happens is in raids which isnt often. along with muggings being rare. as an example take london, people will just come up to you with a balaclava on, take ur stuff and go. and i think perpheads should kiiiiind of have stuff like that making the police have to actually watch out for people and such after getting away with a crime. as in putting a hit on someone for saying or doing something.
You are allowed to place hits on players, generally, we say $10000 is the minimum for it to be worth the risk of killing the player.

Obviously, there has to be a valid reason to have the player killed.
people will just come up to you with a balaclava on, take ur stuff and go. and i think perpheads should kiiiiind of have stuff like that making the police have to actually watch out for people and such after getting away with a crime
The police force would need to be as large as a metropolitan city, which would be both impractical and frustrating for the criminals, making committing crime impossible and it's not possible to establish such several police on duty at the same time that is coordinated.

If the server had similar conditions, players would constantly be at risk of being mugged for most of their items, leading to many complaints including those who support this idea. The way criminal play is established is fine, there could be improvements, sure, but definitely nothing like this
You can't randomly kill someone, but you can put yourself in situations where it is enticing for them to kill you.

Threaten to kill them in front of others, and try to verbally abuse them to provoke a reaction. Have friends nearby with guns to shoot once someone attempts something.

Victimize yourself by going in out-of-view areas with a fair amount of cash but no valuable items. Then, remember their car and what they look like, and it's free game. Maybe find their house and burn all their props down (make sure the cash you had was atleast 10k here to avoid potential trouble). It will be worth it cause you'll likely cause bigger damage.

And so on.