KMN - Gang

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This is the Fraction KMN - Gang

Ein Mann, Ein Wort - Eine Kugel, Ein Ziel
(One man, One Word - One Bullet, One Target)


OOC Infomation About the Gang:
The Fraction was created in 04/08/2017 by Simon Sugar

The Gang does exist in reallife.
It was first created in SantosRP (not the whitelisted one) by me.
Rank Structure:
Street King - Simple the Leader of the Organization.
Street Brother - The Co leader of the Organization.
OG - Is Allowed to give out commands and recruitment has to be approved by Street King this rank
is only awarded to those who done well as Street Leader.
Street Leader - Is Allowed to co lead the members and take control of some situations
Street Fighter - Someone who has served long for the Organization and done well.
Respected Gang Member - Someone who got noticed and has been awarded.
KMN Gang Member - Someone who was able to Prove himself.
HangAroundz - Someone who has to prove himself.
Member List:
Street King: Simon Sugar

Street Brother: -

OG's: -

Street Leader: -

Street Fighter: -

Respected Gang Member: -

KMN Gang Member: -

HangAroundz: George Fox, James Ghost, Jamie George, Josh Macc, Lon Davies, Mack Crumble, Michael Peep, Nothelle Pollis
Gang Diplomacy:
How to join ?:

Everyone is able to apply this is International.

Here is a link to the Application Thread -
This thread is still in building phase.
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We don't like this "SantosRP" that you speak of.

If you wish to operate in this city, you are required to have a discussion with the EPF about your boundaries.
We expect a reply soon or we will take the gesture as an act of defiance.


Glory to Club Penguin and its' followers!​
Oi, Simon Sugar is a naughty man. I do not approve of this black man mugging me in the back of my friends store. Sadly, you got revived and got knicked. I do not like your badman behaviour, stop it you smelly lad.
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