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Your Steam/In-game Name: Bean Can/Matt Grand

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Knoxy82 /lee starksy

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68788670

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
He raided our property and when raiding it I didn't know wither or not he was a friendly so I said hi to him. Upon realizing he wans't a friendly after he started shooting, he started giving me directions which I tried to follow his commands to the best of my ability. When he asked me to surrender I went to type /surrender which forces me to stand up. When it forced my character to stand up he shot me and he killed me without any delay after giving me 5 seconds.

2.5 Excessive Negativity:
I believe this player has broken rule 2.5 as I was trying to follow his demands to the best of my ability and he ended up killing me anyway. He told me I have 5 seconds and he killed me within 2 seconds.

Evidence (Demo Required):
reason for shooting you i felt as if you are stalling at the time i was on you gonna die son bleeding and crippled meaning i was one shot and wasnt risking bandaging until i knew you was unarmed i gave you chance to drop your items or surrender the fact that you dont surrender key binded is annoying and i feel that its just a way of stalling because you have to type it and i wasnt waiting for you to type it since i would of been bled out by then
reason for shooting you i felt as if you are stalling at the time i was on you gonna die son bleeding and crippled meaning i was one shot and wasnt risking bandaging until i knew you was unarmed i gave you chance to drop your items or surrender the fact that you dont surrender key binded is annoying and i feel that its just a way of stalling because you have to type it and i wasnt waiting for you to type it since i would of been bled out by then

It was clear that I did not have a gun as you asked if I had a gun which I didn't. You basically killed me because I didn't have /act surrender binded (which in the rules isn't required) and because you were bleeding. I followed every single one of your commands to the best of my ability as seen in the video.
i was so badly injured and nearly bleeding that as soon as i killed you my screen went grey if i would of bandaged i would of been vunerable one punch would of killed me and i wasnt taking that chance and plus in my pov i was saying alot more to you which i dont think was coming through

You can't honestly expect everyone have a surrender bind, it's quite clear that he has to stand up to perform the /act if he's typing it.
Regardless of your current HP, you can't just go around gunning people down without giving them enough chance to follow your orders.

This was a bad decision on @Knoxy82's part.

User will recieve a warning for his actions, any further events like this will result in a ban.
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