Krede Ballade

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Your Steam/In-game Name: YoloMuffin/Brian Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Krede Ballade
His/Her SteamID: -
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
After restraining him for my safety and letting him go, he tried to kill me.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Yeah, I tried to kill you because you were a rogue cop. You just stormed us for no reason with an M4 as a SWAT officer. What was that all about, are you rambo? Then you take cover behind all the civilians while taking fire, and shoots an innocent man.
You arrested all of us for no reason, what so ever, and took our weapons which are expensive. You didn't tell us anything about what we did or anything, so we tried to kill you.

You are not allowed to do anything other than respond to police callouts as a SWAT officer, you cant just run around and play do random checks.
Are swat not supposed to get a report before moving out? Also... at 02.15 you shot me. I was restrained. That's capital punishment. You executed me. You even used me as a human shield. And this happened after you started harrasing me and my buddies...
Yeah, I tried to kill you because you were a rogue cop. You just stormed us for no reason with an M4 as a SWAT officer. What was that all about, are you rambo?

No, you were armed and next to the mayor.

Then you take cover behind all the civilians while taking fire, and shoots an innocent man.

I didn't take cover I was moving behind them so all of you are in my sight and I can see if you're trying funny moves.
Also I'm pretty sure its not me who "kills the guy"

You arrested all of us for no reason, what so ever, and took our weapons which are expensive. You didn't tell us anything about what we did or anything, so we tried to kill you.

I didn't arrest you I restrained you for my safety, you were posibbly armed, next to a person with a gun.
You also failed to cooperate with law enforcement.

I also didn't take your gun, I only confiscated which were used to attempt to kill me.

You are not allowed to do anything other than respond to police callouts as a SWAT officer, you cant just run around and play do random checks.

Since you don't know the rules, here:

next to the mayor.

Are swat not supposed to get a report before moving out? Also... at 02.15 you shot me. I was restrained. That's capital punishment. You executed me. You even used me as a human shield. And this happened after you started harrasing me and my buddies...

They are but when there's an armed person next to the mayor I can respond, and also I didn't kill you, you were shot in crossfire by your friend. Not to mention you were standing in the middle of a shootout, cuffed, breaking 3.4
Yeah, I tried to kill you because you were a rogue cop. You just stormed us for no reason with an M4 as a SWAT officer. What was that all about, are you rambo? Then you take cover behind all the civilians while taking fire, and shoots an innocent man.
You arrested all of us for no reason, what so ever, and took our weapons which are expensive. You didn't tell us anything about what we did or anything, so we tried to kill you.

You are not allowed to do anything other than respond to police callouts as a SWAT officer, you cant just run around and play do random checks.

First of all; False, he did everything he could and he did not break any rules or laws what I can see. You were the guys who constantly broke 3.24 and 1.4.
He came to the scene cause he saw a man with a gun in his hand at the parkinglot (public area) infront of the mayor (!).

He came there and was gonna arrest him, but then he cuffed the other people cause they were posing a threat to him, not arrest.

Second of all, he didnt take your guns until you tried to kill him (for no reason). And the guy who died in cuffs were obviously killed in a #crossfire and sadly no medics were avalible.

You broke rules (and laws) and if you dont realise that I don't think you should play on the server. Too bad it wasnt any staffmembers online when this happend.

You failed to cooperate with law enforcement (law 8.8 another reason for arrest) and stalling the rp as much as possible so you could slander him.
But you all broke 3.4 (2.5) cause 3 of you died and you didnt have to die or lose your weapons unless you opened fire when your friend was gonna get a ticket for illegal transporting. .

The attempted murder was unnesascery , stupid and it wouldn't benefit you in any way.
And because of it you lost your weapons and life.

(And who was the mayor, who broke 3.4 for being in 3 active shootouts and helping cuffed criminals? Also ignored that the criminals lockpicked cuffs infront of him and then used his fire extinguisher to hurt them)

Are swat not supposed to get a report before moving out? Also... at 02.15 you shot me. I was restrained. That's capital punishment. You executed me. You even used me as a human shield. And this happened after you started harrasing me and my buddies...

Okey you little man need to read the rules and laws for the server. You died in a crossfire, obviously by mistake.

And stop rating everything "Disagree" and trying to justify your rulebreakage cause there is nothing you can say that is gonna make your resaon valid.
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The mayor was not in danger, did you see him at gunpoint? No, we were standing there, and the mayor walked towards us and started saying some random stuff. He was not a very serious mayor. We didn't threathen him or anything, he just walked to us and started spraying a fire extinguisher in the air.

If you felt he was in danger, you should have called the officer on duty
Brian had the right to respond since the Mayor's life was in immediate danger since someone with a firearm out is next to him. That could mean anything. He restrained you for safety reasons. He risked his imprisonment for an absolutely invalid reason. He could have been arrested for 10 years for attempted murder on LEO's. So he definitely broke 3.4 over here. +support from me.
Think about it, if a civilian stood next to Barrack Obama with a pistol in his hand what would an observing SWAT officer do? Also your reason for attempting to kill the SWAT is invalid, just because you believe he has broken the laws you can not kill him, as you went from being about to face a 0 year jail sentence to an 8 year one for no good reason.

Think about you're Obama, and you see a gang of criminals, and then you think it's a good idea just to walk towards them and be annoying and play with a fire extinguisher for fun.

Why didn't he have secret service with him?

And if the situation was so dangerous, why did the SWAT guy come alone?

And I was simply following orders, when we tried to shoot him. If you look at the demo, you can see i wasn't alone, since there's a man walking down to the swat van, to get him out of it.

Another thing you can see in the clip is how many times we ask him why he is arresting us, since we had no idea one of us had a gun in his hand (He is fairly new, and i dont think he knew it. Not that it's okay, but it was a fair mistake). He never tells us, and is just threatening to kill us if we do not comply his commands.

I think this whole situation was stupid, and it could be avoided by the mayor didn't mess around. Our org only took this in our own hands, since there were no one to help us, and we were very pissed about 20 k of lost weapons.

I wouldn't say we handled the situation unrealisticly, since we all drove to the police station (6-7 guys) and would follow the guy when he left the station. But he crashed his car at the station, so we acted there. We were never putting our own lives more at risk, than going to the bazar.
First off, things like this aren't appropriate (CeriEdwardsx/DwarfBitch). People getting salty and libelous because they fail on a ballsy impulse is just not on.

The mayor was not in danger,

When a political figure is nearby someone committing a firearm offense, yes, they have to be considered to be in immediate danger.

and took our weapons which are expensive.

Simple: your fault, don't stand around the mayor with guns on your person. You had no real reason to do this as far as I can tell, and you were violating the law by having them concealed on your person whilst not in transit.

Are swat not supposed to get a report before moving out?


Then you take cover behind all the civilians while taking fire,

To be fair, there was no reason to shoot him in the first place. These so called 'civilians' should have fled and not stayed in his way as soon as shots were being fired, it's not his fault and there's not much more he could have done to stay in accordance with rule 3.4.

You are not allowed to do anything other than respond to police callouts as a SWAT officer, you cant just run around and play do random checks.


It was very appropriate to deploy.

You didn't tell us anything about what we did or anything, so we tried to kill you.

He doesn't need to do that while you're being detained, if you were so bothered about that you should have waited and done the more appropriate thing after if he still didn't give you a reason (i.e. make a complaint to a supervisor).

You even used me as a human shield.

You should have made SOME attempt to flee.

We didn't have any reason to kill the mayor.

He had no way of knowing that, he deployed in response to the violation of a firearm law. PERP is not Cluedo, it is a roleplaying server - you act as you would IRL, and you can't know everything IRL.

Think about you're Obama, and you see a gang of criminals, and then you think it's a good idea just to walk towards them and be annoying and play with a fire extinguisher for fun.

You should report that separately. It doesn't make the way you acted appropriate at all, and will not be applicable as an excuse.

Meanwhile, how does he know that you are a group of criminals? You're stood next to a car. Call the police?!?!

And I was simply following orders, when we tried to shoot him.

A question that can be derived from rule 3.4 when excuses akin to this come up: 'would you jump off a cliff if someone asked you to?'

Rule 3.4 doesn't just 'not apply' because someone else has done the thinking for you. You need to act on your own thoughts and perceptions; you can't always rely on others. Basically, you are accountable for the entirety of your own actions.

I wouldn't say we handled the situation unrealisticly, since we all drove to the police station (6-7 guys) and would follow the guy when he left the station. But he crashed his car at the station, so we acted there. We were never putting our own lives more at risk, than going to the bazar.

Killing him doesn't benefit you in any way: you just become wanted. Simple as.
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