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@Aquaa Will be taking leadership, as I am going to currently take a break from perp due to certain things that have came up, however I will still own the org and will come on now and then. If anyone in the org is in desperate need of guns or bombs just message me.​
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@Aquaa Will be taking leadership, as I am going to currently take a break from perp due to certain things that have came up, however I will still own the org and will come on now and then. If anyone in the org is in desperate need of guns or bombs just message me.​

@Aquaa will be taking leadership, as i am making it so perpheads is not my life for a little bit. It'll be literally a week but it'll feel like a month because of how much time i spend on this dead server. however i will still own the org and will come on most days. If anyone in the org is in desperate need of perp cash i'll sell a good price. I hope that other users follow in my steps! @Google Chrome
It's funny because you've got just as much play time as me, yet whilst you was playing it you was always like "dead server, idk why i still play" get a grip before you start calling others out and make your self look like a massive hypocrite. And unless you know what's going on then stay tf out of it because if you ever did rejoin the server we all know who's ass you'd want to lick again :) thanks for keeping it clean for me buddy
i never leave so i don't have to rejoin. i don't have any attachment unlike yourself but then again i doubt you have the brain capacity to realise that 90% of my posts are purely to trigger the person involved so thank you for giving me my fulfilment :)
spelling fixed btw
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