La Camorrá Applications

Reaction score

Interested in joining La Camorrá?
Fill in the application by using the template below.

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Steam name:



How active are you?:

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In game name:

What cars do you have?:

Previous organisations:

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:

Why do you want to join the org?:

What can you bring to the org (your skills):
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Steam name: nutrient10

Age: 15

Playtime: 2 months 18 days

How active are you?: On everyday

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In game name: Alex Mills

What cars do you have?: Ferrari La Ferrari, 1965 Mini Cooper

Previous organisations: The Purps, JD Crafting and Vault of Memes, can't really remember the rest other than some random orgs.

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:
Firearms: 52 but rising.
Pistol Marksmanship: 83
Sub-Machine Gun Marksmanship: 65
Shotgun Marksmanship: 100
Rifle Marksmanship: 95

Why do you want to join the org?: I've been looking for a new org for a while now, been in and out of some random orgs but I'm looking for something stable to be a part of so that I can contribute to the organisation. I also expect this org to be very rewarding for me in many ways, not just talking about money here.

What can you bring to the org (your skills):
Common sense
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Steam name: McGlinchy

Age: 16

Playtime: Ehm idk like 5 months I think

How active are you?: Pretty much on everyday

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In game name: Janice McGlinchy

What cars do you have?: Ferrari La Ferrari, Audi R8 Plus, Tesla Model S, Honda CRX, Vauxhall Corsa, Ford Raptor, Mini Cooper

Previous organisations: i don’t know been in a few tho

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:
Firearms: 125
Pistol Marksmanship: will check later
Sub-Machine Gun Marksmanship: 80 I think
Shotgun Marksmanship: 40 I think
Rifle Marksmanship: 100

Why do you want to join the org?: I need friends so I ain’t just being a mong or sitting in noclip. Want to actually do things and shit with friends!

What can you bring to the org (your skills):
Somewhat competent
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Steam name: Tunnels

Age: 18

Playtime: 1 month and 23 days

How active are you?:

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In game name: April Flynn

What cars do you have?: Corsa and shitty van

Previous organisations: god knows

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:

Pistol Marksmanship: 39
Sub-Machine Gun Marksmanship: 39
Shotgun Marksmanship: 14
Rifle Marksmanship: 36

Why do you want to join the org?: Because im a nice person

What can you bring to the org (your skills): Many things
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Steam name: shut the fuck up cunt

Age: 16

Playtime: 1 month 12 days?

How active are you?: I'm ok active, want to get more into criminal role-play, I've attempted to do within the past weeks

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In game name: Nicolas Maas

What cars do you have?: Ferrari Enzo, Mercedes E63, Porsche Cayenne

Previous organisations: some israeli org

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:

Firearms: 67
Pistol Marksmanship: 100
SMG Marksmanship: 100
Shotgun Marksmanship: 100
Rifle Marksmanship: 100

Why do you want to join the org?: I want to do some more criminal role-play, been trying within the past few weeks and want to get more involved in criminal/civilian side of role-play. i can help kidnap fuckers or hitman style stuff

What can you bring to the org (your skills): I can help out I've got ok aim, I've got ok cars and I am able to assist the organizations with raids, basing, blah blah.
Steam name: Spitroasting candace


Playtime: 6 months 27 days

How active are you?: V V V ACTIVE

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In game name: Delphine Belle

What cars do you have?: My gold mini

Previous organisations: idk bro

Marksmanship and Firearms level?: 1.5

Why do you want to join the org?: I dont

What can you bring to the org (your skills): Spitraosting candace with phineas and ferb
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Steam name: DB KILLER

Age: 16

Playtime: 2 months

How active are you?: not active right now but will becoming very active when my exams are over

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In game name: Dylan Rusell

What cars do you have?: Cadillac

Previous organisations: Nuestra Famila, and some others

Marksmanship and Firearms level?: 125 Firearms, 100 rifle, 100 smg, 35 pistol, 4 shotgun

Why do you want to join the org?: Just want a org to join and hang out with once I come back after my exams and have a good time

What can you bring to the org (your skills): Assistance whenever needed, knowing how to drive and being able to help with most things
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Steam name: Mango

Age: 15

Playtime: best part of half a year

How active are you?: average

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In game name: Jay Rothwell

What cars do you have?: La Ferrari

Previous organisations: [insert over 100 orgs here]

Marksmanship and Firearms level?: 100 Marksmanship | 98 Firearms

Why do you want to join the org?: Need something to do lol

What can you bring to the org (your skills): everything you get by having no life and grinding perp
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Steam name: the night king did nothing wrong and didn't deserve all the hate he got he just wanted to make westeros a better place and kill the mad queen daenerys for the humans and everyone treated him like shit except his white walker bros who also died in the end

Age: 7

Playtime: the run time of game of thrones season 8 episode 3

How active are you?: yes

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In game name: bonnie chungo

What cars do you have?: ice dragon

Previous organisations: pirates of the dogibbean

Marksmanship and Firearms level?: sword marksmanship 125

Why do you want to join the org?: i dont have any friends after stupid arya stark killed all my bros

What can you bring to the org (your skills): im a retired pirate and i make ladders now
Steam name: JRW

Age: 17

Playtime: 3 months

How active are you?: inactive cause theres no orgs be active ill be active ygm

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In game name: Reece Arnolds

What cars do you have?: Noble M600, Mini cooper completely decked out

Previous organisations: all the big ones apart from megalolies

Marksmanship and Firearms level?: 125/100

Why do you want to join the org?: bored, perp is boring, things might liven up once im in an org

What can you bring to the org (your skills): decent shot, decent driver. craft bare too
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Steam name: Pusheen

Age: 17

Playtime: 1 month and 30 days

How active are you?: Now very active

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In game name: Zoey Lockstus

What cars do you have?: Ford Raptor

Previous organisations: Belinsky family, Standish family

Marksmanship and Firearms level?:

Pistol - 22
Rifle - 48 (cba to grind it)
Sub machinegun - 4
Shotgun - 8

Why do you want to join the org?: Need some crim roleplay

What can you bring to the org (your skills): I can shoot half decent