Deleted member 2538
Topic: Latex Gloves
Short explanation (in notes):
- Add a latex glove SWEP for police and paramedics
- You can only confiscate weapons while wearing
- You equip gloves at the NPC near the LT office for PD and at the Ambulance NPC for Paramedics
Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Usually officers will jump into gunfights and quickly radio in, reload, shoot and confiscate a random weapon at the same time. Latex gloves are the solution to this exploitation. You equip the SWEP then go over to the illegal item (drugs, guns, weapons). Once you look at it, press mouse 1 to confiscate. A /me command will pop up saying: **NAME places the evidence into the bag. An animation which takes two seconds and a time bar (like the crafting or refilling clip bar) will show up saying "Bagging Evidence!". The evidence then dissapeares and the Officer(s) get the money.

Optional additions:
- Could say: You earned $XXX for sending an illegal item to forensics , instead of: You earned $XXX for destroying an illegal item.
- Medics have to wear latex gloves to dispose bodies (mouse 1) and it comes up with a similar text