Law Amendments 13/07/2015
Over the last couple of months with the help of @StephenPuffs the Senior Administration team have been working on changing and adding quite a few new laws, these won't be added until later this week however we thought we would release an outline of the changes made to each law on here so you guys can get familiar with the changes and maybe bring up any suggestions in the Laws Discussion section, if you have any questions feel free to PM a member of Senior Administration.
(Laws which are coloured Blue indicate the changes made are minor and the law itself and what it covers isn’t affected e.g. Fixed Grammatical error etc.)
1.4 Obstruction of Property Access: LEOs are now exempt from this law.
1.7 Threat of Physical Harm: Replaced the term ‘member of the public’ with ‘person’ to include all Government Employees.
1.8 Physical Assault: Replaced the term ‘member of the public’ with ‘person’ to include all Government Employees.
1.11 Jaywalking: Corrected the use of ‘Player’ rather than an In-Character collective.
1.12 Unlawful Assembly: New law , basically makes it illegal for members of the public to gather somewhere with the intent of breaching the peace.
2.7 Explosives: New Law, criminalizes the use, sale, manufacture and production of explosives (Carbombs, C4 etc. etc.)
3.2 Breaking and Entering: Added a sentence to the end of the law to give some kind of guidelines for when to confiscate Bobby pins as a LEO.
3.3 Government Facilities: Added a sentence to allow people to give a reasonable reason for being in the restricted areas.
8.2 A Person in-Need: Added illegal activity, now defining a person who is victim to illegal activity as a Person in-Need.
9.4 Parking: It is now illegal to park in a Disabled or Emergency parking space. It is also a legal requirement to park your vehicle within the lines of a parking space.
9.12 Driving Without Due Care and Attention: New Law (read it), this law makes it a legal requirement to pay attention whilst driving, this now makes it illegal to use a mobile phone whilst driving, not concentrating on the road etc.
10.1 Law-Enforcement Officer’s Discretion: Integrated the new ranks within the Police Force into the law. (Police Supervisors).
10.2 Police Lieutenant’s Discretion: Integrated the new ranks within the Police Force into the law. (Police Supervisors).
10.3 Police Lieutenant and Police Sergeant’s Discretion: New Law, defines the power and authority of the Police Sergeant and Lieutenant within the Police Force.
10.4 Evidence: This Law was previously 10.3 but was shunted down due to new additions, there were also changes made: The law now allows LEOs to charge someone with a crime if the suspect has given a full confession.
11.1 Issuing of Arrest Warrants: Changed the referral to the Evidence law to accommodate it’s change in number.
11.2 Issuing of Search Warrants: This law has changed a substantial amount so I advise reading it thoroughly and make sure you understand it. Basically, we were unhappy with how situations regarding suspicious activity were being handled so we made some changes. The main change is that the occupant of the property are now given a chance to justify their reason for the suspicious activity, it is then up to the LEO’s discretion whether it’s a reasonable justification.
11.9 Handling the Pursuit of a Suspect(s): Changed the referral to the Evidence law to accommodate it’s change in number.
11.11 Right to Use Firearms: Changed the referral to the Evidence law to accommodate it’s change in number.
11.13 Hostage Situations: Included Sergeants in the section where the Police Lieutenant was mentioned.
11.14 City Lockdown: Grammatical correction, the word ‘affect’ was used instead of ‘effect’