Law Reform Update: New motions and changes to - Vote Now!

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Berlin, Germany

Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce that @A1L, @Tyla Jai and I now have access to, meaning we are finally able to facilitate changes to the penal code. With this newfound access, we intend on taking over management of the laws, meaning that we will soon move forward with selecting suggestions from this section of the forums to be voted on in the near future.

Our priority will be to address issues with laws that impact gameplay that are ambiguous or open to too much interpretation. Some of these changes may occur without a vote, depending on what is necessary to preserve positive gameplay.

The current agenda is as follows:
  • Clear out the 'law suggestions' tab on
  • Create motions for pending law suggestions we decide to accept
  • Open motions for voting
  • Clear out the 'law reform' subform and process accepted suggestions
Some changes have already gone live, those being:
  • Fixing a loophole in the 'Charge' definition
  • Fixing a loophole in the 'Aiding and Abetting' law, making players guilty for providing assistance in planning and committing the crime, rather than assisting warranted individuals.

In addition to this, we are excited to announce new motions will open once again after this post goes live! Please head to the City Hall in-game and use the computers to vote on the following issues:
  • Changing law 7.5 to make displayal only guilty in public areas, not public settings
  • Including the apprehension of assault to 9.1 Physical Assault and 9.2 Physical Assault with an Offensive Weapon, making it an offence to attempt to harm someone under these laws
  • Adding a new law for Theft of a Vehicle
Big thank you to @Fredy for making this possible and @A1L for helping to choose and set up the new motions.

Vote now!