A new era
After the dissolution of Smith and Cook, and the subsequent tomfoolery with cANCER mINUS, Humphrey and his friends decided that they'd had enough of organised crime running amuck in the city. They'd step in to save the day... But they needed superhero names... and a group name.... Fantastic Four was already taken, so instead, we settled on Le Family Doggo, it's French so it's classy, trust me.
How to identify us
By now some of you may have seen our orange cars and uniforms, usually members are encouraged (but not forced,) to follow the uniform colour regulations, which is a light orange colour.
Our aims
To stop the tomfoolery in our fine city, to put an end to organised crime! Hey, if we have to grow a few sunflowers in the process, no harm done.
What type of organisation are we?
A pisstake one, for friends to have a good time and enjoy the city for what it is. Good, family friendly fun for all the kids to enjoy.
How to join
What, you want to join!? Oh dear, um, I didn't think anyone would read this far... Ok, so I guess you can just PM me or another member, or meet us ingame and if we feel like it you'll be invited!
Contact one of the following:
Brave saviour Humphrey Smithson saves a poor woman being held hostage by a meany bo beany Zovetta Aren! Then he got shot by police and wasn't bandaged. Oh dear.