Learning to drive

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So basically I have started (after many months of procrastination) revising for my driving theory test, oh the joy...

I understand that a lot of members are also in this situation, and a lot have passed, so it would be great if we could share some advice for one another, and tips for getting through the whole process, cause its seeming to be a pain in the ass.

Tips for revising? For the actual exam? For your practical exam? Any would be appreciated :)
My experience


Booked it really early ... didnt revise till 3 hours before the actual test for Multiple choice. Went in not knowing what Hazard Perception even was, and passed it. But only had 40/50 in the multiple choice. You need 43/50.

Now 4 months on i really need to book and revise for my theory because i'm ready for my practical test after 28 hour lessons. (Avg in uk is 35)

A good tip would be to actually revise, my instructors given me a good app but everyone says reading through the 800 page book is what guarantees success ...
Winged it and got 44, really not a hard test
For the Theory just use common sense, most of the questions you can actually know without revision however I do recommend at least 5+ hours of revision to make sure you are ready for the test. The practical is very straight forward, stay calm, drive like you normally do and just try and remember all the little details in driving. Driving instructors tend to focus on the little things that you do well or do not.
Buy the highway code book as well as one of those books that has a shiteload of the multiple choice questions and a hazard perception DVD, they normally come in a package. If you study the book hard enough you can basically memorise 95% of the questions, the rest you can try to work out. The hazard perception can trip some people up but if you've been learning to drive then you're already doing it for real.

As for learning to drive itself, my advice is to stay off the internet, don't google anything or ask people for tips etc. So many people will have had different experiences learning to drive that it won't help, it'll just confuse you. Get a good instructor and learn from them and you'll get there eventually. The most important thing is to not give up, I know tonnes of people who have failed the first one, two or even three or more tests and eventually passed, I also know people who gave up, went back and passed eventually many years later, regretting giving up in the first place. If you fail the practical test, don't let it get to you, just book your next lesson, book another test and keep at it. I failed twice, the second time I failed I almost gave up, it was a huge blow to my confidence because I let it get to me. I passed shortly after that on my third try, and since passing I have 3 years no claims and am loving driving, meanwhile I have friends who passed first time who have been in multiple accidents that were their fault.

I'm rambling but just remember that the practical test is 50% skill and 50% luck, and if you're not a complete womble you'll pass it eventually.
Dont do what @Bertie did for his theory test he failed it 5 times which is pretty autistic considering its multiple choice test. I used an app called The Official DSVA Theory app you get three apps for £10 its pretty useful as I only revised for my theory test 3 days before and passed.

Ez m8...