
Reaction score
This is my final good bye thread, I am not really more interested in playing the server as it become to boring for me.

want to say thanks for the following users:
@Mage - very good lad, one of the best staff members hope you resign bro
@Feng - hope you get enforcer soon as possible as you deserve it more than the whole staff team
@Walker - one of the best lads very good CAPS LOCKER
@MrLewis - I know I disbanded your org but you are a cool lad!
@Jericho - learn how to throw grenades boy
@Nade - noob aim
@Mario - noob aim
@Youseff - good boy
@Adrish - some times you just
@Dom - cute lad
@Fasool - very good boy
@Silent - decent shooter
@Creepis - amazing guy(nadine twin)
@MachineGunO - you really think you can beat me 1v1 on perp bro? no chance
@Sossa - annoying cunt
@Jimmy gerrad - dont afraid to use your mic even that you 10 bro
@Daigestive - shitty tfu ever
@Blicky - very good lad
@Sgt.James - very good flanker
@Cole - very calm boy and very good officer in general(not really, all officers sux)
@Imperial Watch - thanks for the chance given me in olsen!
@Bolli - thanks you for accepting an awesome staff members to the community
@Fredy - thanks you for the awesome server
@Xquality - thanks you for the awesome map
@StephenPuffs - thanks you for the awesome cars

cya tomorow after I am back from work, just had to check how my goodbye thread will be look in 3 month's
Funniest guy in Olsen man and a really good shooter, never stop being a fucking savage XD I really hope you come back someday man.
I don't get it, are you actually leaving or is this one of this gay fucking puzzle things where you read the first letter of every new line so it says something like 'HA GET BAMBOOZLED'

Hi everyone
And others.

God I love perp and
Everyone here and
That's why I'm sad to go, but

Boi shit happens,
And perp not
Massively fun for me anymore.
Bitches be thinking I leaving
Zpite n shit but I ain't
Loving perp anymore. So bye
Everyone, see you one
Day soon
i do know how to use nade :angery:

cya bro thx for giving me all ur money and storage. have a good one
Now you're gone ... feel free to leak your multi-luck and one day you might be as good as me :kappa: See you in a week dude.