Server Suggestion Let starvation and thirst ultimately kill

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Suggestion Title: Let starvation and thirst ultimately kill
Suggestion Description: If starving or being dehydrated for long enough, your characters health will start to gradually decrease, until they die, or fall unconscious with short span to revive the person.


1. Change it so that those who do not move from spawn, do not lose hunger or thirst at any rate.

2. Introduce vomiting during long dehydration status to match blurry vision on starvation. Remove any stamina regeneration on both statuses, where possible.

3. Add additional, if deemed necessary, ways to tell if someone is starving or thirsty.

Why should this be added?:
- This is a good idea. It would add another layer to roleplay - starving and being dehydrated fully debuffs are lame, crank them up!
- Players with either statuses can be aided by medic or firefighters by providing them more than just a medkit slap.
- It may open doors to more roleplay opportunities, albeit rarely, as most experienced players carry max food and drinks and replenish often. Players, for example, holding people hostage may request food and water or have emergency services organize such activity.

What negatives could this have?:
- This is not a good idea. The sweater you are arresting may die in your arms (if there is no way proper way to tell), people may purposefully commit crimes while thirsty or hungry and about to die, people may purposefully go to dehydration to vomit around or similar, or to just simply die.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It expands on starving and dehydration
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You would need to be dehydrated for 10 in game days at the very least...
You would need to be dehydrated for 10 in game days at the very least...
That would be like day and a half of straight afking in perp to die of hunger, I'd say like 90-120 minutes of starving should do the trick
I've seen some dumb suggestions over the years, this has to be one of the worst.

The fuck you think this is? Dayz?

Listen to Gaben for christ sake.

Honestly, the entire food system could definitely use a revamp, but the problem that would be ran into is simply the fact that most players do not want an overreaching RPG type system on the server. You have to remember that the original PERP server in 2008 only had stamina replenishers(Coffee/Energy Drinks iirc) and that was about as far as it went.
Personally, I have seen several RP and non-RP gamemodes with proper food systems in the last 18 years of playing Garry's Mod, and despite the fact I do enjoy said systems, I know that most people on Garry's Mod are 100% against them because it creates extra burdens stopping them from the whole cycle of: Buy House -> Grow Drugs -> Sell Drugs -> Buy Guns -> Raid
When you add more layers of "realism" and grind to the server, it makes it so only those that are able to grind can actually go about the core experience of the server, and those that are on for 1 to 5 hours a week, basically get shit on by those that can no-life grind.
This suggestion is very bad, no need to make it that realistic its fine with the side effects we already have.
Lets just be grateful and keep what we currently have, no need to make it like fallout survival mode or the forest.
Honestly, the entire food system could definitely use a revamp, but the problem that would be ran into is simply the fact that most players do not want an overreaching RPG type system on the server. You have to remember that the original PERP server in 2008 only had stamina replenishers(Coffee/Energy Drinks iirc) and that was about as far as it went.
Personally, I have seen several RP and non-RP gamemodes with proper food systems in the last 18 years of playing Garry's Mod, and despite the fact I do enjoy said systems, I know that most people on Garry's Mod are 100% against them because it creates extra burdens stopping them from the whole cycle of: Buy House -> Grow Drugs -> Sell Drugs -> Buy Guns -> Raid
When you add more layers of "realism" and grind to the server, it makes it so only those that are able to grind can actually go about the core experience of the server, and those that are on for 1 to 5 hours a week, basically get shit on by those that can no-life grind.

While I do appreciate what you wrote, this is a very simple suggestion so there is something extra when you completely neglect your hunger or thirst for a long time. Most players eat a burger on 'slightly hungry', so it won't impact a regular player or a hardcore grinder any differently (food is very cheap and money is easy to come by).
The rest of you, bar benji and lencz i can't respond to due to my principles.
edit: added extra notes
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