Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/discussion-ems-rework.34414/
Main Idea: Merge Paramedics and Firefighters into one, add career development (climbing EMS ranks)
Full description of the idea:
- Merge Paramedic and Firefighter into one single job. This idea was @Saint Wylde's. Consequently allow Paramedics to gear up in Firefighter suit when needed, just like police gears up as TFU. This idea was @Brinch's.
- Increase base paramedic slots to 3, up to 4 or 5 with mayor
- Add a rank-experience hierarchy, where an EMS's rank represents their experience more than their authority. These are actually very real and I will leave some examples in the UK or US for you. What you want to call these ranks doesn't matter, but personally I prefer these from the UK's College of Paramedics ranks:
> Paramedic
> Specialist Paramedic
> Advanced Paramedic
- Add a self-managed promotion system. No need to add EMS supervisors or anything of the sort. The way this would work is by attaining a set of achievements.
> For example, to become Specialist Paramedic you would need to have revived 100 people. For Advanced Paramedic, 250 (accumulates with previous achievement) and 50 DNA Uploads. These achievements would not be retroactive, meaning if implemented, everyone starts from 0. Once you attain all achievements, the system automatically promotes you to the next rank.
- Add advantages for each rank:
- Paramedic
> Paramedic as it currently is, with the option to gear up as Firefighter in the Firefighter Station.
- Specialist Paramedic
> Increased pay (higher than regular Paramedic but lower than Senior Officer's)
> DNA Upload: When a DNA retrieval is complete, they can directly upload it to a database (to which police has access) instead of having to say it over the radio. These DNA entries would disappear if the assailant is killed/sent to jail. Image below.
> Speed upgrade to all paramedic and firefighter vehicles (+5 km/h)
- Advanced Paramedic
> Increased Pay (higher than Specialist Paramedic but lower than Corporal's)
> DNA Upload
> Medical Assessment: As highly trained medical personnel, they can determine an unconscious person's state and prioritize victims, which can be particularly useful in a mass incident. Whenever an Advanced Paramedic gets close enough (stove-crafting distance?) to an unconscious person a Health Status shows up indicating condition of the victim, as shown below and similar to items for sale. For example "Deceased" when the person has already died. "Critical" when the person will die in the next 30 seconds. "Serious" when the person will die in the next 1 minute. "Unstable" when the person will die in the next 3 minutes. "Stable" when the person will die in more than the next 3 minutes.
> Additional firefighter gear: The ladder and breaking hammer in this suggestion.
> Speed upgrade to all paramedic and firefighter vehicles (+5km/h, accumulates with Specialist Paramedic speed upgrade to make +10km/h total)
Why should it be added?:
Because it's been months since the server has been lacking in paramedics, even at peak times, and the firefighter job has been dead since forever. Plus it would be nice to have some job development into something that is not as serious as the PLPD.
+ Ending the uselessness of firefighter as single job, since now you can gear up for it without losing your job as a paramedic (and FF having a Medkit now makes more sense) and respond as one only when it's needed.
+ Activates medic job more. So many times with a lot of players in-game, there still are no medics and thus if you fall unconscious for any small reason, you are bound to die. This is a recurrent problem for both civilians and PD.
+ More chances of survival for anyone, as paramedics will now possess the ability to prioritize victims in higher ranks and more people will likely play as paramedic.
+ Makes you able to develop yourself and thrive for progress in a job while still not being in something too serious/complex like Police.
+ Remains newbie-friendly for the above-mentioned reason, also the way the promotion system works, their experience and activity will be directly rewarded.
- A lot of things to add
Main Idea: Merge Paramedics and Firefighters into one, add career development (climbing EMS ranks)
Full description of the idea:
- Merge Paramedic and Firefighter into one single job. This idea was @Saint Wylde's. Consequently allow Paramedics to gear up in Firefighter suit when needed, just like police gears up as TFU. This idea was @Brinch's.
- Increase base paramedic slots to 3, up to 4 or 5 with mayor
- Add a rank-experience hierarchy, where an EMS's rank represents their experience more than their authority. These are actually very real and I will leave some examples in the UK or US for you. What you want to call these ranks doesn't matter, but personally I prefer these from the UK's College of Paramedics ranks:
> Paramedic
> Specialist Paramedic
> Advanced Paramedic
- Add a self-managed promotion system. No need to add EMS supervisors or anything of the sort. The way this would work is by attaining a set of achievements.
> For example, to become Specialist Paramedic you would need to have revived 100 people. For Advanced Paramedic, 250 (accumulates with previous achievement) and 50 DNA Uploads. These achievements would not be retroactive, meaning if implemented, everyone starts from 0. Once you attain all achievements, the system automatically promotes you to the next rank.
- Add advantages for each rank:
- Paramedic
> Paramedic as it currently is, with the option to gear up as Firefighter in the Firefighter Station.
- Specialist Paramedic
> Increased pay (higher than regular Paramedic but lower than Senior Officer's)
> DNA Upload: When a DNA retrieval is complete, they can directly upload it to a database (to which police has access) instead of having to say it over the radio. These DNA entries would disappear if the assailant is killed/sent to jail. Image below.
> Speed upgrade to all paramedic and firefighter vehicles (+5 km/h)
- Advanced Paramedic
> Increased Pay (higher than Specialist Paramedic but lower than Corporal's)
> DNA Upload
> Medical Assessment: As highly trained medical personnel, they can determine an unconscious person's state and prioritize victims, which can be particularly useful in a mass incident. Whenever an Advanced Paramedic gets close enough (stove-crafting distance?) to an unconscious person a Health Status shows up indicating condition of the victim, as shown below and similar to items for sale. For example "Deceased" when the person has already died. "Critical" when the person will die in the next 30 seconds. "Serious" when the person will die in the next 1 minute. "Unstable" when the person will die in the next 3 minutes. "Stable" when the person will die in more than the next 3 minutes.
> Additional firefighter gear: The ladder and breaking hammer in this suggestion.
> Speed upgrade to all paramedic and firefighter vehicles (+5km/h, accumulates with Specialist Paramedic speed upgrade to make +10km/h total)
Why should it be added?:
Because it's been months since the server has been lacking in paramedics, even at peak times, and the firefighter job has been dead since forever. Plus it would be nice to have some job development into something that is not as serious as the PLPD.
+ Ending the uselessness of firefighter as single job, since now you can gear up for it without losing your job as a paramedic (and FF having a Medkit now makes more sense) and respond as one only when it's needed.
+ Activates medic job more. So many times with a lot of players in-game, there still are no medics and thus if you fall unconscious for any small reason, you are bound to die. This is a recurrent problem for both civilians and PD.
+ More chances of survival for anyone, as paramedics will now possess the ability to prioritize victims in higher ranks and more people will likely play as paramedic.
+ Makes you able to develop yourself and thrive for progress in a job while still not being in something too serious/complex like Police.
+ Remains newbie-friendly for the above-mentioned reason, also the way the promotion system works, their experience and activity will be directly rewarded.
- A lot of things to add