Lewis 088...

Reaction score
Its quite obvious you are making an effort to be nice and i respect you for that.
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
Mannerwaffel said:
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
Thank you for being honest.
Mannerwaffel said:
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
He can be a nice guy but sometimes......
Mannerwaffel said:
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
Sometimes it goes to damn far.
Mannerwaffel said:
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
Posted dis wrong :)
Thanks Jazz for summing this all up, no one actually wanted to make either an admin complain or pm Bolli or Alex_D.
Jazz what you are currently doing is Slander. Therefore i will close this topic although you do can fill in a admin complain about him.

"1.3 Slander - Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are within the ban requests forum, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff - when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to."

If anyone feels this way I would suggest coming to speak to me and getting to know the real me.

Many people deal with my IC player (Normally Cop) and I don't take no crap from players (This may annoy a lot of people)

Just come talk to me sometime. :D
Mannerwaffel said:
Well what can i say.....i am sorry Lewis but these are true words :( Yesterday you interupted my admin sit with moving a vehicle around and killing me (Well thank god you revied me again).
The Real Black Jesus Your in game name is Ryan Belinsky?

I think I have dealt with you once. but whatever I have done to you I apologise.
I have decided to re open the thread. You can speak freely here against me, I would just like to know you guys opinions on me. thanks.
I wish you people would just stop moaning about admins, all you people ever do it create these pointless threads which will achieve nothing. If you have a problem with an admin, or have seen an admin do something he shouldn't be join the teamspeak (perpheads.com) and come and talk to me or Bolli, you can also message us on steam. These posts are just pointless and damage people's reputation for no reason.
It seems Lewis has mostly been targeted as this "harsh" "rude" "mean" person. Though, we should look at his other side and his pros. I have played and RP'd will Lewis a fair amount (been playing Perp for about 3 weeks now) and firstly, I must say; he is a very fun and exciting person to RP with and can be extremely positive and nice, especially on one or more occasions he has kindly explained rules to me or other new users as anyone should anyway.

I experienced some issues with mugging throughout the server and I told on OOC that I was thinking of quitting. He not only tried to talk to me about it, he as well added me on steam. For someone to go through this amount of effort for one user who he barely knows properly should be appreciated; as it is. Lewis may be "horrible" but he is a very good moderator and seems like the game mode is very important to him.

Look, I am not going to be on one side of this. Its not acceptable about the attitude of Lewis in the above situations so it should be addressed immediately (self improvement is always good), though we should not forget the good things he brings to Perp Heads and the server itself.