The friendly Enforcer

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I don't make these kind of recommendations very often but today I felt like it was time to mention a person who definitely deserves a bit of acknowledgement.

You might have heard of him. His name is @LEWIS 088. He currently holds the position of Enforcer within the staff. He recently re-joined the staff after his resignation. His presence within the staff benefits the community. He has a friendly approach towards the majority of the people he encounters both IC- and OOC'ly.

I used to be
Moderator with LEWIS 088. We were good at cooperating and we'd often find a fair solution to complicated problems/reports. LEWIS 088 hasn't changed much since we used to be Moderators together which is very positive. Therefore I have reasons to believe that LEWIS 088 is ready to resume his duties as Moderator on the server.

Furthermore I find it important to mention the following incident:


Around 03:00 AM GMT+1 LEWIS 088 decided to purchase VIP in exchange of nothing to a fairly new member of the community (Read the text in OOC) (Don't expect him to buy VIP to everyone as the result of this recommendation, obviously). My VIP expired yesterday and I found out that I suddenly had it too! LEWIS 088 purchased VIP to me and MossInBlood.

However, I insisted to pay LEWIS 088 $70.000 (which was overpriced in his opinion because of our relations). :booty:

Keep up the good work and don't fuck up, @LEWIS 088!

Stifler approves :booty:
Thank you so much Prepper, I sometimes like to buy community members VIP for free who simply can't afford it or don't have any money in game to buy it, Honestly thank you for being a great member of the community too @Prepper or should I now say my Homie lol.

Oh god here comes the messages asking for free vip...
Can u buy me free vip in 1 month, I am new to the server and I need to grow.

All jokes aside, He is a great enforcer!
And now you know guys, if it's a lonely night with you and Lewis he is gonna give you VIP.
Jk he is a lovely lovely guy imo, give him mod so he doesn't stick out anymore thx it's unaesthetic in my eyes.
I kiss his ass or anything I simply was hanging out he told me to re-log due to a glitch, I come back and my name is blue he's a really good guy and he's pretty active
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I agree,

before there was a random cop going around in a firetruck with his friend arresting people and getting back in the truck and driving off at about 2am, requested help in the shoutbox and Lewis came on to deal with him, even though he disconnected by the time he got on!