Liam Belinsky

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jimmy Mcdonald/Jimmythehamster

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Liam Belinsky/ @Liam

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6003289

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
For breaking 2.5 and possibly 2.1/3.4, 1.1 and finally 3.26. When being chased by the police he drove erratically at high speeds on the wrong side of the road. He crashed into @Slayerduck who happened to be on the road at that time. Liam then proceeded to jump out of his car and start shooting at Slayerduck because of a crash that was caused by Liam's driving. He put his life at risk doing so as he knew the cops were right behind him and we were able to take him down because he stopped to shoot Baggers. I believe he was pissed off that he had crashed his new car or that he was unable to evade the cops so he took it out on someone who did nothing wrong. I said that Liam had no right to shoot Baggers as it was Liam's driving that caused it. He had this to say.


Finally when arresting him I dragged him to my car and did "/me puts man inside". He then ran away claiming he had no idea who I referred to by man. He was the only one I could possibly refer to at that time as his friend was female, nonetheless I took him back to the car, did the same again and he still blatantly refused to acknowledge the /me and stood there until Slayerduck came along and did "/me puts Liam in the car". It is 100% clear that I was referring to Liam in the /me as he was the only male player near me, no rule says I have to mention names in /me. He was doing it just to spite me.

This player knows the rules and knows what he did was wrong and I feel like he shouldn't get away with these kinds of rulebreaks just because he got pissed off.

Evidence (Demo Required):

0:50 He jumps out and shoots baggers.
3:25 He says "You can fuck yourself you cunt".
4:12 He ignores my /me twice.

Tick: N/A
+support Clear rule breakage , 3.4 due to shooting when you have 3 cops behind you !
I've been warned for this already?

Ah didn't completely read it, I've been warned for the shooting the car part. Not for the 1.1 though,

Did you fuck yourself btw?

Seriously though, why are you on the internet if you're crying over a few words. And the /me bit you didn't tell me it was me did you? lol
Going at high-speed in a fast car can cause people allot of damage for example in my Lamborghini it really does like to hug walls and it struggles to get off of them.
Going at high-speed in a fast car can cause people allot of damage for example in my Lamborghini it really does like to hug walls and it struggles to get off of them.

What he means is when you're going at high speeds the handling of the car changed dramatically, it's very hard to handle. Like in this case I had to take the on coming lanes else I would of crashed into an obstacle, also when you crash it - you do get extremely pissed off sometimes, it was just a bad day for me in a whole.
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