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Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Liam / Liam Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6003289
Why Should This Player Be Punished: We asked the people to take down barricades at regals 4, gave them time and came back later. Asked them again and then we were then gunned down. I felt as if they did it for the sake of just shooting someone since with little people/cops on could easily get away with it and it basically ruined RP and much 2.5

They had no drugs in their main room that the barricades were in, could have avoided the whole situation. Liam kept changing his story during the sits, Riddle asked me to make this AR.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 50000 i think, somewhere near the end

@Liam @GraveDinosaur
First of all as I stated in the admin situation.

I didn't know you were talking about those windows (the main room's). I thought you were referring to the ones in the smaller room, where my drugs were located. There isn't enough room in the bathroom to store my drugs, so I did refuse to take down the barricades. I got told by Xhantium that you were talking about the windows in the smaller room - where my drugs were located. So we were both misunderstood.

You said if we refused to take them down you'd enter with force and essentially raid, as you gave us the law and your reasons to raid. You already know I said I was not going to take down the barricades so you were obviously going to raid, so I killed you and the rest of the small police force. I didn't die, I kept my drugs and same with Xhantium. Why give time for them to plan a raid?

I'd also like to state I did not once change story. When I found out you were talking about the other barricades I obviously mentioned how I misunderstood you.


If I'd of known you were talking about the main room barricades, I would of got them removed. So this is just a misunderstanding.
After reviewing the demo and looking at what liam had to say it seems like you was both misunderstood as he said that he thoughtful you was on about the small windows which did contain drugs. However they did give you a okay reason to have boarded windows and in my experience a window replacer can take a couple of days to come however I feel that they misunderstood you on what window you was talking about.

I do remember Jordan telling us all that we should not raid because of boarded windows unless they don't have a valid reason to have the Windows.
If this was only about the windows and them refusing to take down the props blocking them then why. You should not raid a property just because they are not taking down window baracades because it will lead you only to believe that they could be hiding something, for all you know that something could just be a prize winning pig or something it was not enough to go on.

The police should have collected what they could have there was even no harm in asking if there was any weapons long as you do not confiscate them unless they are explosives. Once you have enough evidence for example the building has too much defence or a high ammount of crime in the area it could lead to possible criminal activity.

Investigation is an officers best friend not a gun so next time gather what you can instead of jumping to conclusions.

As for the supervisor who may have been on scene or issued a warrent there are several guides made by @LordTyla and myself.

I will not support this.
This was a very tricky one so It took me some time to reply. It took me several hours and help from DannyD to come to a conclusion.

Liam will be punished for breaking 2.5, 3.4 and 2.1 by shooting and killing both officers outside of the door without a valid reason to do so. They requested to search the apartment because you had bullet holes and barricaded windows in the main room. Now you gave them a perfectly good reason and they had no more evidence so they should not have attempted to raid you, At this point you should of made a report about the situation so a mod/admin can attend the situation and stop any rule breakage. I will explain into detail of how you broke these rules and if you had a good enough reason.

Before any punishment is given Liam I would like to talk with you in perp or teamspeak along with the officers involved.

2.1: Instead of simply removing the barricades you decided to keep them there. Even when there was nothing in the main room. Now When we talked in the sit prior to this AR you did not mention did not know which barricades they meant forcing me to believe that this was an excuse for your actions.

3.4: You put your life at risk because you had shot through the walls at police officer for asking you to open the doors for them. After @MatStar Had told you that he will force entry if you did not open. Instead of finding out what they were going to do you shot through the door to kill them.

2.5: By killing the both officers when they were simply trying to get you to open the door (without knowing their intentions) You put a negative impact onto their role play.

After looking at the Demo. @Slayerduck and @MatStar I see some major things that you both failed to attend to before threatening these guys with a warrant. Once they were threatened with a search warrant they had the right to kill you to preserve their drugs. Read bellow:

11.2: LEOs must have observed some or all of the following examples of suspicious activity: Barricaded windows and/or entrances, regular instances where people enter the property who have not been there before and do not return after leaving, and/or regular instances where the number of occupants within the building exceed the number of bedrooms multiplied by 3. However if the Occupant(s) of the property can provide a reasonable justification for the above examples of suspicious activity the matter may be dismissed. The occupant's justification is directly subject to the LEO's discretion.

From what I've seen, they gave you a perfectly valid explanation that there window was hit when they were getting shot at and was boarded for repair. This should of dismissed any suspicion about the bullets as well, unless the officers disagree with that statement. But seen in the video they seem to acknowledge the possibility of their window being shot and gave them time to close up the window.

Because the window was not removed in a time the police officers set is not enough evidence to initiate a raid. You need more evidence apart from the boarded up windows (See law number 11.2 attached above)

I would also like to mention @Death Howl and @Appricey for how they caught onto this situation fast. They both have gave their opinion about how you cannot raid over them simply having barricaded windows.

I will talk with Slayer and Matt in perp or team speak about this situation and take further action if necessary.


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