Limit on amount of bombs used in raids.

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Description of the idea: Have a limit on amount of bombs used per raid.

Why should this be added? (pros): at the moment bigger orgs are using 6+ bombs per raid below and above apartments so there is literally 0 way of countering it. It is extremely over kill and is impossible to counter it. Actually gives people defending a chance

What negatives could this have? (cons): None

*Other additions:
[list here]

*Images: N/A
Do you suggest this as a rule? I don't see how this would be implemented as a mechanic without huge loopholes.
Limit the amount of bombs you can drop within a 20 meter radius

Only way to abuse this if the defenders place remote bombs all over the base so no one else can place bombs lol

and also how you could drop bombs outside the radius and pick them up and drag them in but you could disable physgunning+picking up with fists+proppushing by freezing them
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A good way to avoid many bombs at once, that won't stop people from using a lot of bombs in 1 raid though, they can just wait for the first few to blow up first.
you do make profit, you used 5 bombs, which costs 35k crafting, from that you got two fully stacked rifles, two batches of cocaine 45k each, a batch of meth, 25k so that there is 150k already. It gives the defender no chance at all because they die to the bombs, thats the main reason why im making the suggestion.
I've been on the receiving end of like 4-5 bombs at once quite a few times, at some points I question wether I should bother trying to survive it knowing that a prop could literally fly into my face and force me into the ground and trigger fall damage because gmod. One or two bombs is fine, but when the beeping noise becomes a monotone noise, it's not fun. I'm not against the use of bombs, but I think it's a little excessive.

Maybe adding the range limit like Creepis said would help fix this to some degree. Force timed bombs that have been placed back to the owner's inventory if it comes close to a bomb that has been placed after yours, meaning that if you place a bomb, someone else's bomb near it goes back to their inventory without notification, on top of this, the bomb that returned to your inventory will have a cooldown of about a minute before you can place it again so that you can't just put your bomb down to prevent them from bombing you by forcing it back to their own inventory. This could technically fix the bomb proof base where you just place bombs around your base and no-one can place anything like Creepis said.
Growing in small properties rather than large ones has its benefits as well as drawbacks, one of them being weak to bombs. Imagine throwing 3 timed bombs inside hicktown trailer.
Personally I'd love the price of explosives to be majorly increased along with the sniper rifles, if you used to use a bomb it was a big event and would draw a ton of attention and now its the norm. Relatively boring to raid when everyone inside is already dead.
The amount of bombs idc just make it so bombing the apartment above or below is not allowed because that shit is really cringe
some people solo base and i doubt they have a decked out gun so thats just a gun and planters
at the moment bigger orgs are using 6+ bombs per raid below and above apartments so there is literally 0 way of countering it
Anyone bombing apartments with more than 2 bombs are already invalidating profit for themselves unless the people inside are an actual zerg with 2 planters each. I agree that it can be annoying to be bombed the fuck out of though, but not enough to push for any changes.
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