Limo for purchase by Orgs

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United States of America
Description of the idea: Organizations of a certain level are able to purchase the Limousine.

Why should this be added? (pros): Following recent additions to organizations, such as the poker table at level 15, and custom license plates, etc. I feel that the limo would be a good addition. Other limo suggestions for civilian purchase have noted that the limo provides a sort of luxury and sense of VIP, especially for those riding in it.
I feel that for large organizations with a lot of power, this luxury and VIP is deserved for their leaders, and the Limo would be awesome to see!

- The Limo would add more roleplay incentive, allowing orgs to transport their leaders and others in luxury for any reason, allowing for them to really show off and add some neat rp :)
- More content to work towards as an organization, and I think this would be a good incentive as it is something to show for.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People really hate the limo, and might not want to see it be used. (However, they can just not use it themselves if they are so inclined.)
- Would be unusual to see more than one limo driving around the city (realistically, a limo is not hard to rent or obtain, so obviously it would be a realistic addition to have more than just the mayor)
- People might mistake a limo for the mayors or vice versa. (Could possibly remove mayor limo or distinguish it from the rest.)
The limo is a complete piece of shit to drive so it wouldn't be OP in any way, it would just be a cool status symbol to flex on people.

big +support
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We have already accepted as suggestion like this, so at some point we will add the possibility for organisations to buy certain vehicles that they can share.

I would not suggest that we add the limo tho, it’s a piece of shit. Maybe a escalade Instead?
you can already buy a stinky Escalade, let them buy the limo to flex on poor people
@Samuel I don’t know about the Escalade by itself but the limo is a flex but not practical by any mean, maybe this is where @BigBenji ’s thread about armoured vehicles can come in, a possible organisational rank where you unlock it and then you need to purchase it and upgrade it on your own.

I’d recommend a Range Rover, BMW M5 e60 and a Maserati, not as vehicles to armour up but as a switch compared to a limo to something more enjoyable and practical.
As others have said, the point of the limo isn't that its super useful, its that it is a flex and honestly will get people to start roleplaying around it. Why would anyone choose to be driven around instead of just drive themselves when they have all these crazy cars? The limo just gives people a reason to do fun stuff and do interesting roleplay, which, hopefully they will :)!
Armoured limo lol, so we can all break 3.4 without breaking 3.4 and also looking like absolute fucking pimps as we do so.