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Czech Republic
Topic: Suitcase

Short explanation (in notes):
-You can transport more stuff in it and might be nice addition for someone, who roleplays as buisness man/lawyer (watching you Eddie Grey)
-Can be used to trade with drugs and money
-Equipable thing, that is part of you

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well, I believe, that small thing as a suitcase can make a bigger amount of roleplay, and it's kinda a part of my other idea down here.

Optional additions:
-The only thing, that you can use to transport more than 5000$?


Topic: Drug addiction

Short explanation (in notes):
-Once you craft a weed/cocain plant, you will get 50% chance of getting addiction
-If you wont get your week/cocain, you will lose your health and stamina, your sceen will go blur and shiat.
-You will want more and more, but everything has limits, so I guess like 200 cocain/weed per 1 hour max?
-Once you become an addicted, and you will take your weed, you will get a small bonus, like few health and a bit faster running.
-Make a drugs for something else then just grind it whole day for your new car.
-Once a guy has no drugs, he can have a drug dealing for better deal huh.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I believe, that server is missing like some interaction with some other drug dealers or drugs itselfs. And it's kinda matching with with my suitcase.

Optional additions:
-A bigger amount of drugs per hour
-Random quality of drugs and random quality wanted for that addiction, Quality 1-5


Topic: Random character passive abilities

Short explanation (in notes):
-Give a random character a random ability, for example bigger amount of health, bigger amount of stamina, bigger amount of streght, lower weapon crafting and stuff
-Gives you feeling, that you're special in something (at least me :( )

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I believe, that in real life isnt every same, and everyone is better in something else (Exept Asians, asians are better at everything thatn you, dont challange asians), well, I think, that this is kinda cool idea, because I didnt see it on other servers yet.

Optional additions:

WEll, I know, that I made some stupid ides, but I think, that we should get something for character aswell.​
You plant marijuana/cocaine and have a chance of becomming addicted? How does that make sense? An addicition system is in my opinion not needed and if it was to be added, you'd have to think it through a lot more. Mind explaining how this whole quality system would work, and increasing the amount of units from drug harvest isn't needed, you already earn alot of money from drug growing as a premium member.

Although I haven't said my opinion in all of your suggestions, I think none of these suggestions are thought out well or well presented and for future reference I's recommend you to post three individual threads rather than several suggestions in one thread as it's easier for when each will be accepted/denied, and for people looking to make a suggestion about similiar things in the future to see if they've been accepted/denied.
Hmm I do not know really the addiction system could work providing you take instead of planting because what kind of sense is that.

I have nothing to say for the suitcase since it can be expolited into bringing a entire armoury with you.

Character passive skills could work providing that it is limited to prevent superheroes and all that fail rp.
Topic: Random character passive abilities - The most retarded suggestion I have ever seen.

Topic: Drug addiction - Growing drugs doesn't get you addicted in real life. You can't even get addicted to weed in real life.

Topic: Suitcase - What's next fucking pimp canes with guns inside them?

This is the most cancerous thread I have seen in a long time, go back to
Suitcase - a nice accessory but there's nothing like it yet so it would need a separate accessory system. Same as hats - they should be able to be unequipped somehow. Look at Gmod Tower's hats.
Addicted from growing - No. Maybe from using drugs, then I would +support the idea for bonuses.
Random traits - neutral. I don't think there's a point in it.
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Weed doesn't make you a junkie, lmao. Cocain does tho and they are bad, mkay?
Alright. Let me make this clear. This is not darkRP by any means.You tell me. Are crack addicts healthier and faster? Do drugs make you faster and healthier?
Second of all. Suitcase. Let me give you more than enough examples why this shouldn't be implemented.
1st, you might aswell hold a sign that says I have more than 5K on me come mug me.
2nd, please give the staff more things to worry about. Bugs, exploiting, people killing suitcase holder for the drugs or money in a rulebreaking way, etc.
Third and last. Random powers.
You see, people don't just receive a random power when born, they progressively gain experience to become better at hobbies/whatever else.
Complete -support from me. Dumb ideas. Everyone can think of cons and pros. You haven't thought of both. Just said something that doesn't support realism in every way.
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