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Professional Stripper
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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dai John
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sophia Sanchez
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776
Why Should This Player Be: i was being held hostage but for most of the time untied and sometimes not in gunpoint in their base, My org were planning on raiding their base anyway, and they did. we escaped to storage where i ended up being killed by a cop. After my NLR and about 20-30 minutes i drove to Bazaar to go back to my casino i get killed by the same group of people as i step out of my car unarmed with 5 men with him . Found his name in OOC. After this NLR i went back to my shop and found it had been Molatoved by Sophia Sanchez, my props were all destroyed and i lost my tv. Also i had never seen the 5 men that were there when i got killed in bazzar and idk how they could have known that i was the owner of that store because i have never told them my name.

Evidence (Demo Required): i will upload a link to demo soon
[DOUBLEPOST=1459565387,1459564431][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry his steam name is Loading... there were no admins on to get his Steam ID
[DOUBLEPOST=1459565704][/DOUBLEPOST]https://mega.nz/#!aQAWzT4a!gIis8z-foOOtaxcRwexedx5ziatDoW227-NelVS-1wI - Mega file for Demo
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Probably need a demo, molotovingma dead mans store is very extreme and I would like to see
The extent to which you deserved it or not.
First off all, you were not being held hostage inside my base untill you said you were going to kill one of my memebers. I tied you up and frisked you for any firearms, after that I untied you and said you were not being held hostage. Your guys raided me, but unfortunately my men came back and rescued me and Jamie. @adrenalinejamie tagging him also. You were never in the raid also, the only ones who were raiding us were Martino Nostra and Laila Queen.


Also, I were not the one who killed you nor molotov your shop, so why make a AR on me as I didnt break any rules?
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First off all, you were not being held hostage inside my base untill you said you were going to kill one of my memebers. I tied you up and frisked you for any firearms, after that I untied you and said you were not being held hostage. Your guys raided me, but unfortunately my men came back and rescued me and Jamie. @adrenalinejamie tagging him also. You were never in the raid also, the only ones who were raiding us were Martino Nostra and Laila Queen.


Also, I were not the one who killed you nor molotov your shop, so why make a AR on me as I didnt break any rules?
Sophia is right, you threatned to kill me or someone in our org, so she was most likely just protecting her org, also if you check the demo i don't think its Sophia molotoving your shop, if you check the demo and free roam to your shop and watch it may have been someone else (Just a way to find out who it was) so for that reason i'm -
Sophia you searched me for my wepon and i told you i had a silenced berretta, i was in the raid but i got wallbanged when you heard us talking outside, Laila Queen was never raiding you it was John Clean and Alex Sanchez aswell.
[DOUBLEPOST=1459600724,1459600566][/DOUBLEPOST]The whole point of the AR is even though i died twice and you have told someone im your org to molatov my shop. If i recall thats breaking 2.5.
[DOUBLEPOST=1459605398][/DOUBLEPOST]I never killed anyone in you're org, i got wallbanged before the raid. You said yourself that you thought i wasnt even a part of the raid so then if its protocol why was my Shop burnt down over a hunch
Sophia is right, you threatned to kill me or someone in our org, so she was most likely just protecting her org, also if you check the demo i don't think its Sophia molotoving your shop, if you check the demo and free roam to your shop and watch it may have been someone else (Just a way to find out who it was) so for that reason i'm -

Matt i came in to you're base as a neutral hoping to help you, you are a mate, but after you left and broke my car, i began getting put under gunpoint frequently, this caused me to panic to my org, when i left they began raiding but then i was wallbanged.
[DOUBLEPOST=1459605988][/DOUBLEPOST]Therefore i never killed anyone in your org. After you killed me and i lost my NLR, i went back to my shop and found my own body on fire inside the shop when i was killed in the parking lot. i died Twice before my shop was burned down
Afraid you'll need her steamID

Just seen that you added it
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From what is shown in the demo, their team was clearly in direct violation of 3.4 as they killed you in an open space which could easily be seen by the general public. 2.5 has also been violated as they threw a Molotov towards your store, resulting in about 30k worth of damage to someone they had already slaughtered. From what I know, they might have been trying to send a message to your org about fucking with them (even though the message was in direct violation of 2.5).

From what is shown in the demo, their team was clearly in direct violation of 3.4 as they killed you in an open space which could easily be seen by the general public. 2.5 has also been violated as they threw a Molotov towards your store, resulting in about 30k worth of damage to someone they had already slaughtered. From what I know, they might have been trying to send a message to your org about fucking with them (even though the message was in direct violation of 2.5).

The person has recently had another ban aswell so idk if this ar would be added on to it or disregarded

There is a error regarding watching demos from before the recent update, unfortunately there is nothing we can do so I will have to lock your thread.

If you have any other form of evidence of the situation (Such as shadow play) @ceriedwardsx
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