Long absence

Reaction score
Taking a long break, can't be arsed with perp anymore. Apparently Johnathan Good will never be given a second chance and always known to be a minge when I've tried my best. Couldn't really care about perp anymore, lost motivation for it.

Enough ranting, this is the last you will see in me in a while.
I just wish there was a way you could stop being addicted to it, because I'd be long gone.
Hope you're glad I'm gone, make the most of it.
I want you to stay, I think you're hilarious & definitely one of the funniest people on the server. I don't view you ALWAYS as a minge. I've seen you roleplay seriously as a cop quite a few times the past week, Keep at it.
Why don't you try changing your name/model and start a new persona from scratch? Don't take people's negative opinions to heart on a server full of people that won't matter in 2 years time or less. If that doesn't work out perhaps try finding the reason people hate you and change.
Even though i'll admit i don't like you at all myself, i don't think you should leave just because you have a bad reputation. There are many people still around with awful reputations, its just they chill with groups of people who accept them for who they are.

But perp isn't life, and there are always ways too get a new start if you want one. But, i will say that tbh its your actions etc that have got you the reputation you have so i don't really know what you expect, i spend my days acting like an idiot 24/7 so i expect to have the reputation of an idiot?

Plus you don't seem to realise that ratings mean literally nothing. Ignore them if you don't like them. (Unless they're followed by constructive comments, which 99% of the time they aren't.
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@Mango, I know I have given you some shit, but it's all in good fun, and in all seriousness, you really should stay, mate. Are you a minge? You can be a minge often, but that's what I like about you, it's a good laugh seeing you up to your usual antics. I really don't see why everyone is rating this dumb. I am not glad that you're gone, infact I will miss your bullshittery very much. Fuck what the others think about you, be yourself and have fun like you have been for the past however long you've been on perpheads :). I'm going to miss being knocked out by you every time I come to the bazaar :(
plez no mangoe
we had so much gud times together remember before mango was johnathon good and then all these other fucking confusing names. johnathon good, andre lee and claree basing in slums.

hope to c you soon