Looking for a good monitor

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I right now have 2 monitors, one is Philips and one is Samsung. They are both other measures and that's already a thing I really hate right now. I can't move from my right screen top left to my left screen. I have to go down a bit to go onto the other monitor. I am currently looking for a monitor which is as big as my Philips screen which I use all the time for all my games. My left screen (The smaller one) Is also alot darker and I really hate it. Can someone give me a good monitor that is the same as my Philips monitor but not the same one. :D

2 monitors I have :
- Philips 223V5LHSB2/00 (The one that is already good for me)
- Samsung SyncMaster S22B150 (The one that I really hate and want to get replaces for a better monitor)

Please leave a link down in the comments. So that i can always easily open them, Thank you!

- I7 7700
- 1060 6GB
- 2TB HDD | 500 GB SSD
- 16 or 24 GB Ram (Kinda forgot :C)
- Further nothing really cares
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If you have around 200$ then I would go for these ones;

they are not new but hence the price, I would strongly suggest switching to 144hz or at least 120hz.
(I snipped my previous post because it contained wrong information and not enough research)
Seeing as I've gone with what you've defined here, it honestly just looks like you've got some settings wrong, is the monitor physically smaller and is the model and make correct?
The specifications I'm seeing tell me they're exactly the same save for your least liked monitor having no specification for brightness. (Try messing with the button panel that should come mounted either on the bottom right or behind the monitor on the right until you find brightness, then set it up)

As for the monitor being "smaller" it might be your display settings.
Go ahead and change the settings by right clicking your desktop background, hitting "Display Settings" then find monitor resolution for the appropriate screen.
Aside from that, I have the same Philips monitor, exact type. My other monitor is an Asus VE248H, and has been working fairly flawlessly, aside from recently starting to cut out at times, losing power and connection to my PC, but this is a monitor issue as I've found out. Both are 60HZ.

You'll want to look at something with 144HZ for gaming, I've never tried 144HZ myself, but I find that it's the preferred refresh rate for gaming.
See what Creepis said about monitors if you can't find the fix to your problem.
2 monitoren.JPG

As you can see, My left screen is much smaller than my right screen. And i like the middle one. As you can also see the left one the pixels are weird
Seems like I might have been looking at the wrong monitor then, check out what everyone else said about new monitor.
Will think about this one, Just waiting for others who might have better monitors. Thank you for your help, Creepis!