Looking for a video editor

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in her grave
Basically, I've been finding gaming boring recently for some reason and I want to get into it, but my friends are mostly playing Gmod on PERPHeads or some gay starwarsrp server called "Reborn" or some gay shit like that.
I've also started hanging out with Youtubers on a Discord that people like Zuthar13, ChiefMufasa etc. go on a lot, and I've decided that I might as well try making my own Youtube channel so I can actually have a REASON to game, something to actually do/look forwards to when I play- Recording with a friend and uploading, possibly getting subscribers.
I'm just looking for someone who isn't shit at editing videos and is willing to sift through 20-30 minutes of footage, skipping all the boring bits in the end video and who is capable of making an intro (I'll talk to you on the specifics of what I want if you're interested in this) so I can make quality videos.
If the channel does end up getting a decent amount of subs and enough views each video, my plan is to get monetization on the videos and split the profit 50/50 with the editor, as we'd both be working together to make these videos.
I'd also prefer if you could have a decent sense of humor and could appear in some videos, it gets boring recording alone.
so far no videos with John have been made because he's in the US and is inactive as fuck.
If you're interested just leave a reply below and I'll message you about it.
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Parts Unknown
If you want to become a youtuber then you should actually learn how to edit. Get sony vegas 13. If you don't edit the videos, then you aren't "making" them.

Edit: Also, if you don't want to game anymore, who's forcing you? Find a new hobby? xD
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Netherlands, Tilburg
This is probably the best

nah torrent sony vegas, its easy and you have a lot of possibilities
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As a 'professional' video editor, I thought that I'd just throw my two cents in.

Making videos on Youtube isn't as simple as recording some funny gameplay and cutting it together. Sure, go back to 2010 and you might get away with that. But these days youtube videos require a whole lot more effort and work to stand out from the millions of videos uploaded every day. Videos require originality.

This doesn't just go for videos that tell stories or so on, this same thing goes for gameplay channels. Every single popular gameplay channel has something unique about it. Whether its how fucking high pitched the annoying cunt playing is *cough cough* Kwebbelkop. Or the way that they structorize their videos. They all have their own little thing that makes them stand out.

A good example is the streamer/youtuber Sovietwomble who utilizes subtitles a whole lot, to make his videos more entertaining and to better get his jokes or punchlines through to the viewer. A good video on how he does this can be found here.

But this requires so much work and dedication. And even if you have the time and the effort to do it, it's going to be tough to break through the ice. Hiring an editor might make the job easier for you, and lift some stress off your shoulders, but the downside is that you're going to have another mind do the editing for you. The other person probably can't see the jokes that you see in gameplay, the same way that you can. So I would recommend doing it yourself over hiring someone, any day of the week.

And when it comes to youtube revenue, don't get your hopes too high son. Afaik it takes around 1.000 views to make up 1 dollar. I have a video on my channel with 14.000 views as of now, and I've only made around 5-8 bucks on that.

But I wish you the best of luck with your youtube career. Hope i was helpful in some way :)

Also, fuck Sony Vegas. Use Adobe After Effects.