Looks like I can't be active anymore.

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With the lack of activity recently I want to address that I can't stay active anymore for the next half year.
My new schedule gives me no time to play anymore and honestly I have also lost interest, this also means I will be resigning from the PLPD.

For now it's been really fun to play, I made a number of friends during my stay here and making my experience here something worth.

This is likely to be temporary, I'l be playing during weekends and such every now and then but I have other games I wish to play some more than just Garry's mod. And you can most likely tell why.

PERP is time consuming with the disconnect rule, make sure you get out of RP before disconnecting, etc. If I need to urgently get to bed to wake up early the next morning, rip me. Sure the solution would be to just play early in the day, then stop playing near the end, but it doesn't work that way. I have a minimum of 3 hours of free time, which is barely enough for what PERP needs.

With that said, have fun and I'l be back.
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It's sad to see you leave as you have been a fun person to know. I wish you the best of luck for the future and I look forward to see you again. Bye bye and please don't get yourself in trouble xD Seriously good luck for the future