Lower the cost of car repairs back to normal.

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Parts Unknown
Topic: Lower the car repair price

Short explanation (in notes):
- Car price, expensive, this make players unhappy, this doesn't do shit for the roleplay

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
All the increased price does is piss people off, it doesn't stop people from breaking there cars.
90% of car damage is from accidents and shouldn't negatively affect the players, in real life we have this thing called car insurance, this means we don't have to pay shit to repair a car except for increased monthly car insurance cost.

Here are some screenshots of a riot taking place because no one wants to pay 30 fucking thousand to repair a car.




Rule 2.5 states
Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store ect ect

So if player crashes there car into me shouldn't they get banned because they have made my roleplay shit and my life pure cancer because I have to pay 30k for a stage 1 repair.

You have to understand some players like to get an expensive car and then stop making money because they like to drive around roleplay with the items they already have, they simply don't need more money yet this shitty update means if I want to drive around on the server I also need to make a fuck load of money.

Can't agree more on this I paid 5 fucking million for my car and stopped growing constantly because I didn't really need to anymore now I have to pay 30k just to fix it when it's crashed or when someone crashed into me what if someone car bombs me then I have to pay what 5million for a new one? Might aswell because that's how the update seems to work. All this update did was piss people off and cause people to grow constantly just so they have money to fix their car if it's crashed. The prices were absolutely fine the way they were didn't see why they needed to be changed +support
Now that Stephen is dead I mean...

Anyways I do get your point and the one that Stephen pointed out; if you crash a car that costs that much it will sure as hell cost a lot of money
I get people running in front of my car, get crashed into someone at 10 mph and my car breaks when my engines at the back?
Can't reply on my phone but the what I didn't understand someone ran in front of my car and I was going 15mph and somehow my car just died like wtf? Why fix things that aren't broken.
+support I had to pay 16k at business area and then 10k at RC to get 2m car fixed? thats just fucked up
I have never had this problem cause not rich enough for a good car but I have had this where a bagati is going like 90mph and go on my lane and crash into me and then I get shot because of the damage they did to their car.
A new engine can cost 2k to repair we would not mind prices like that but when there are high speed chases and a cop suddenly slams into the front of you comming the opposite way you are going to be more concerned with the repair cost than the police. Reduce repair costs please before we end up having people banned for shooting someone who damaged their car.

Im sorry but if my Citreon C4 costs over 5k to repair I dont see why I should pay that.
What would you expect if you went a 100 MPH into a wall? It sure would be expensive. I remember when I crashed my car *IRL* into a curve. My right front light was broken and the whole paint on the side if my car was scratched. Now that would have cost me about 11 000$ to fix if it wasn't for my insurance. (motor parts inside was also damaged) This was just for a Challenger! I think the prices IG are realistic and when you're buying a super car that's just the risk that you gotta take.
Maybe add car insurance to City Hall NPC and you have to pay an amount every 2 hours depending from your car varying from $50-$1k.
Meh, it doesn't bother me as such but I can see where you're coming from. It's a pain in the arse to have a lag spike, nudge an intersection crossing sweatervest or have some silly cop ram your car off the road because you wont yield for them only to have to take an expensive and slow trip; having to pay undesirable amounts of money to fix something that you didn't even break.
I'm not too fussed about it but I can see that it annoys people to have their overly-expensive cars to be repaired for overly-expensive prices.

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