LP7K Ban Appeal

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Appeal for City Star Appealing for: Ban/Warning/Rating Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: IDK
Your Forum Name: City Star
Link to your Forum Profile: https://perpheads.com/members/city-stars.7305/
Why were you banned?: 1.1
Why should this appeal be considered: Dei had started harassing me from the beginning when I accidentally leaked person information about my self. Started by him and his friend posting my name on the profile and Dei criticizes how I look, plus saying that I'm stupid and going to fail high school, he did this all when he made a posting saying "If your feeling down come talk to me" the irony. I pmed two admins and none of them wanted to replay. I was angry and got sick of it and my anger made me do a horrible thing. Me saying that is no way in the world right but I could not control my agree, I'm sorry for making that comment.
Additional Comment(s): All the people that are attacking me telling me to hang my self hopefully, this can make you guys stop attacking me and see what really happened. https://prnt.sc/pgk5bz

PS: LP7K's friend is forced to copy and paste this.
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I’m aware that there was a petty fight going on between you two in the AR section and in a private PM, however what you said completely blew the situation out of proportion and was completely unnecessary and utterly disgusting behavior. Your ban was extended by a senior admin and will remain there due to the severity of your actions. If you’re ever seen being this toxic again I wouldn’t get too comfortable with staying in the community.

Take this time off to think about your actions, put yourself into @Daigestive’s shoes. I’ll reread the evidence I’ve received and see if anything warrants a punishment on Dais side.
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