LP7K Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @nutrient10

Your Steam Name: LP7K
Your In-game Name: Richard James
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:170514755

Why were you banned?: 1.1, 1.2 - Constant disrespect and discrimination towards community members. After disgusting behavior on the forums, he began targeting a community member over steam and again displayed a vile attitude.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: My ban is invalid because I was minding my own business when LilChicken(Nutrient11) sent me a friend request and I accepted it. He started to talk about how my apology was retarded and shit. clearly, I did not add him to target him as he added me first and he provoked me to get a reaction and he got one, so why ban me for 6 months for "targeting" I did not add him on steam he did.

Additional Comment(s): What I did on the Forums was from me, but I did nothing wrong on the server to deserve a ban
Evidence (Required for all server bans): https://i.ibb.co/WDRKPGF/da-OE82-TWc7.png & https://i.ibb.co/Rv83rnQ/3-Om8-Ut6l-G0.png
Why should someone with a disgusting attitude such as him be allowed to play on the server? This is someone who previously told @Daigestive he was the reason for his friend's suicide. I simply added LP7K to tell him his apology wasn't going to get him anywhere and he was apologising to the wrong people then he started being toxic. The full chat log has been provided so it's not like anything was concealed when he was banned. He has already made a ban apology which means he clearly accepts his behaviour was disgusting and then he decides to carry on after this. His justification for being toxic to me over steam is that he thought I was @nutrient10
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I've amended the ban reason. @A1L would be great if you could ask him if he's satisfied with that or if he still believes the ban is invalid.


Bare in mind this person continues to spam me with pms on here and plpd.online, spam rate me dumb which was dealt with by @LEWIS 088 when its obvious he's learned nothing from his previous ban. To be as petty as he is and hold pathetic grudges after I even had the decency to neglect what he did and promote him to SO when he almost deserved it shows how childish this guy really is. He needs to wait out his ban because he's learning fuck all.
LP7K wanted me to post this for him.

He was first banned for being very homophobic to me just because I said I'd kiss him on the lips IRL and he said he would shoot and kill me because thats gay. He verbally assaulted me based on my sexuality (bi-sexual) and me being gender fluid. Adding on to what Dai said, he also kept on dumb rating me because i like men and women.

disgusting behavior and makes me want to puke. should be cwb.
That aids his dispute how? It just violates the previous GDPR request removing my account from the PLPD.online website
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