Lua Bug Report (Bringing stimpacks to on-duty)

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Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Bringing stimpacks to on-duty

How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Have stimpacks in your inv
2. Go on duty and you'll still have them as extra

Time Stamp: N/A

Errors: I ain't 100% sure if this is intended or not but I wanted to make a thread tbh

Media: N/A
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This is also very annoying as you end up using your own stimpacks first!
I like to hold extra stim packs instead of just only having 2 which isn’t enough to properly heal up, i really don’t see a need to fix this ‘bug’.

also you need to consider the fact that not everyone has 8/8 in healing or whatever the skill level is called, as far as im aware it affects how much it heals you but that’s just a speculation for me at least
Not a bug, so this is something that should be under ideas and suggestions.
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