Lua Bug Report (Leech immunity for Senior FF is partially broken)

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Leech immunity for Senior FF is partially broken

How to reproduce the Bug: The leech protection for Senior Firefighters and above is partially broken. It's described "as long as your head is above the water, you take no damage from leeches", the logic seems to explicitly check if all body parts are submerged in water except for your head. When you go above the water with your head and torso exposed, you take damage which is pretty silly. The same happens when you manage to jump out of the water (for example climbing into props on the water surface) which causes you to take damage as no body parts are submerged.

My solution would be to get rid of that kind of logic entirely and give Senior Firefighters entire immunity no matter which body part is exposed or not, even when underwater.

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