Lua Bug Report (If you're in a vehicle and crash it the damage taken chips away your body armor first instead of your actual HP. The same goes if you

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: If you're in a vehicle and crash it against a wall damaging the engine the damage taken to the passengers inside chips away your body armor first instead of your actual HP. The same goes if you get ragdolled by another vehicle. Probably not possible to fix due to engine limitations? I know that body armor in PERP is gained via HL2 energy pickups so that's probably how it works in HL2 if you take damage in a vehicle.

How to reproduce the Bug: Crash a vehicle against a wall and damage the engine (not wrecking it so you survive it obviously), the same should also happen when you're a passenger of a vehicle. Or get run over by a car but survive the impact.

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