Lychee Soda

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa | Dylan Larsen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lychee Soda ライチソーダ | Yasumichi Katayma

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79465582

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player broke rule 3.4 and 3.6 by ignoring the fact that I had a machete to his throat, started pushing me and telling me to "Fuck off"; even harvested his drug plants while having a machete to his throat(3.25). After having killed him he came back and began talking to our mutual friend over steam and begging for his weapon back that I was mugging him for, after coming to the realization that I wasn't going to hand the weapon over OOCly (keep in mind that this was a new life as I had killed him, therefore breaking 3.5) he then killed me (2.5?).

Some chat logs after he got so enraged that he wanted to kill me in his new life.

8:19 PM - Jay: Lychee Soda ライチソーダ: Since he's being so difficult, I have a better idea

Evidence (Demo Required):!5wFTyBKQ!w7rM02Qcac7_36p4opMLcgitwCt73ZjgQdguYp0aasU

Tick: Should be by end point?

@Lychee Soda
Hi Aquaa,

Could you possibly provide a youtube video of the relevant section of demo?
@Chris unfortunately not Chief; As @Marxxman_ said I am currently on vacation and I am unable to record a video. I don't mind if this AR gets pushed back towards another staff members week who can view demos.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

// telefone

I haven't dealt with what you said happened in the next life, as this was not in the demo.​
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