Mac 11 suppressor

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Main idea:
Give the Mac 11 suppressor (9x17mm) the same recoil benefits as a compensator.

The suppressor for the Mac 11 costs more to make than a compensator, and adds a lot more size and weight to the gun, therefor, it makes perfect sense that it'd give better recoil control and give you something more to hang onto.

The Mac 11 isn't really a loud gun and the suppressor only makes the range of it being able to be heard slightly lower.

This should be added because the Mac 11 suppressor costs an awful lot for something you can only use on 1 specific firearm, especially one that’s already compatible with a rifle compensator, which is cheaper.

- No more "Suppressor for show".
- Makes sense
- Mac 11 recoil is already quite high + The suppressor costs more than a compensator anyways so it wouldn't dis-balance anything.
- Senior admin spawn menu abuse giving them mac 11 suppressor equipped rifles for evil senior admin massrdm​
Why not just get an AK?

In all seriousness, I think the reason it was implemented this way was to give the gun the balance and give the player the dilemma between choosing the compensator or suppressor. Also, by adding a suppressor, you increase the range of a gun, and we don't need Mac-11 Snipers. Lord no.
“Mac 11 snipers”? and idk where you heard suppressors increase range because that isn’t true in the slightest. All suppressors really do is make the gun a bit quieter and slightly reduces recoil.

You can’t conceal an AK and there’s many situations where a Mac 11 is more useful. Plus, we can’t just let 1 gun become some sort of meta like the M4 used to be or else every other gun will fade into obscurity. I mean, look at how long it took people to realise the UMP is literally bugged with the eotech micro holo.
11 votes and all unanimous. 11 votes is basically the entire active player base at this point so @Samuel i expect to see this in the next update log :)

I'm going to review all guns soon, ensuring that they're to a good standard and perform as intended. This specific guns recoil will be adjusted so we're not aiming at the sky playing space invader every time we want to use it.
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