Server Suggestion Make automatic fire rate default

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Suggestion Title: Make automatic fire rate default
Suggestion Description: I've noticed how annoying having to switch to automatic every time you take a weapon is, so I've decided to make a suggestion regarding the fire rate. For example when you equip a rifle the fire rate should be on automatic by default (the default is semi-automatic atm). In case the weapon does not have automatic but does have burst (M16), the default for that weapon should be burst.

Why should this be added?:
- When in a fight you no longer have to switch for automatic/burst

What negatives could this have?:
- Can't think of any.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: When in pvp situation you no longer have to click E + Right Click to switch the fire rate to automatic
honestly i dont see any use to this unless its in gun games. also negativities could be that people are already used to the weapon being auto equipped on semi. again, the only use i see is this being implemented in gun games
The only upside to this is gungame functionality. This function has no adverse affect on Roleplay otherwise.
I've been caught out by this a couple times, so +1 from me. It's definitely not an issue exclusive to gungame.
I've noticed this before several times whilst in-game. An automatic gun fire rate is usually the default, and then if you want a burst / single shot you'd have to switch it manually. I support this suggestion.
The amount of times guns not being set to auto when pulled out and it almost killing me is definitely a must have.+1
This would make gungame a lot less frustrating. I can't see it having any other downside, perhaps besides idiotic SS spraying their glock 18 everywhere and hitting nothing.
Perhaps this could be added as a setting, so you can choose your default option?
something very similar